Thursday, April 22, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 112

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


Reviewing lesson: (93) Light and joy and peace abide in me.

and lesson: (94) I am as God created me.



The right use of our personal will is to surrender (align) it with God's will (the will of the Good).  As the Course says, to recognize 'another's interest as equal to our own' (i.e., that there is a oneness between myself and all others) is the shift that has occurred in all teachers of God (at whatever level they operate).  


This shift happens 'in the dream of separation' only, for in Reality, I am and you are always 'as God created us'.  But 'in the dream', because it is possible to use our personal will to deepen our separation, the Course uses 'mind training' to habituate 'the you/I that we still think we are' to think in deeper and deeper alignment with the Godness.  This allows us to more effectively recognize 'the difference between what is true, and what is illusion'.  


Once we have 'taken the training' (i.e., it has been installed) what happens is we walk through life choosing moment to moment what we will value.  It quickly becomes obvious that there are many illusions we/I still value.  They tend to also be our personal 'blind-spots', and thus are the places we are the most tempted to 'make exceptions for', 'be reasonable about', all that....  Here is the real work then (at the place where the rubber meets the road) where we/I either rise up to meet 'the curriculum of life' (the non-accidental God-given curriculum of life, that is) or we 'defer the lesson' to another day.  


The Godness does not 'punish us' if we defer.  But we often do.  We do this by not feeling good about ourselves, and by denying our true selves in many ways.  For this is fundamentally what we do when we 'defer'.  We have just 'denied' our true nature (Love) in favor of our false nature (fear).  (In this example, fearing that by being conscious, we will lose another one of our valued illusions, WHICH IS TRUE... WE WILL.)  What we fail to recognize is that what we are also losing is the ground we would have gained and would now be standing on if we had not deferred.  In other words, what was lost was the possibility of 'being true'.  


The value of a few (or as many as are 'needed') failures like this is that we/I finally learn we would rather get straight and stay straight than play more spiritual games.  That is the happy day when we/I finally discover the right use of our personal will.


This I teach, that I may also so learn.    







Lesson 112

For morning and evening review:

(93) Light and joy and peace abide in me.

I am the home of light and joy and peace. 
I welcome them into the home I share with God, 
because I am a part of Him.

(94) I am as God created me.

I will remain forever as I was, 
created by the Changeless like Himself. 
And I am one with Him, and He with me.

    On the hour:


Light and joy and peace abide in me.

On the half hour:

I am as God created me.