Friday, May 28, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 148 

©2010 Rev. David Seacord



Just as the 'self' that needs protection is not real, no 'sickness' is real either, without our consent.  Whatever the physical evidence, for the 'sickness' to be real to us requires we believe it IS.  Lacking that consent, it is simply 'more maya' (illusion) and even though it symptomatically continues (or not) HOW it is experienced shifts.  The Buddhist tradition uses the phrase "suffering that is not suffering" to describe such a shift.  It means that whatever the suffering, whatever the sickness, there is no identity attachment to (or resisting of) it.  Jesus spoke clearly to this point, saying:  "Resist not evil" (evil being the reversed letters of 'live', one could say that idea is actually saying:  Do not make real an opposite to life, for there is none, unless you create it.  Then, there is one, for you. (This is because we are, by our thoughts, creating our lives according to our thinking.)


While it may seem that 'they just happen', our thoughts actually arise into our awareness because of our prior attraction to them.  If we do the work of deepening our quietude to the point of inner silence, from such a vantage point, all this can be seen.  It is then we have a choice in matters of 'free will'.  The quality of your life, my life, the life of this planet all sources from our habituated thinking.  It is then, a true priority to become well grounded in this silent emptiness before we/I 'act' in the world.  For no 'action' that is itself 'in reaction' can truly heal.  All true healing (and all spiritual freedom) begins with seeing (without reaction/judgement) what is true, no matter the appearance. This is what it means when we say 'my mind holds only what I think with God'.






Lesson 148

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(135) If I defend myself I am attacked. 
(136) Sickness is a defense against the truth.