Monday, October 11, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 280

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

What limit's can I lay upon God's Son?

I find myself praying today to be able to see all 'others' as Sons of God. It is clear intellectually that this is true (when I am listening to my heart) yet still alive within me much too often, much too easily triggered, is the habitual return to the separation version, where it is 'me' or 'us' against 'them', the unsafe world, and where the poisons of anger and the pains of not being seen demand I close my heart 'to survive'.

Today's lesson speaks to me that to honor myself as God's Son I must also honor all my brothers as the same. I remember Werner telling us this same thing, in a slightly different way: He said "Until you can respect another exactly as they are, you are stuck with them. I know it's tough. Sometimes it takes all the strength I have to get up, to respect some people, but I know if I don't, I am stuck with them." I take that being 'stuck' with someone is like they are glued to the inside of you, eating away at you, using up your life. I think that is what the saying that "Resentment is taking poison and hoping the other person dies" is about. I can tell you that I have recognized that to let that happen is insanity. And I can tell you that I have plenty of experience being insane as a result of this simple forgetting of reality. So do not follow me there. It only leads to more sorrow.

From the looks of this world, I am not the only one who has made that journey and who works daily to make the return to love. Yet flipped, what the lesson is saying is that I AM the Only One, if and when I really know who I am. The Course continues to be reliable in its one direction, never wavering in the message it delivers.... Only grant reality to the True Reality, and nothing can ever disturb your peace. For there is no Reality save the Universal Godness, from whom we are inseparable, and in whom we move and have our being.




Lesson 280

What limits can I lay upon God's Son?

Whom God created limitless is free. I can invent imprisonment for him, but only in illusions, not in truth. No Thought of God has left its Father's Mind. No Thought of God is limited at all. No Thought of God but is forever pure. Can I lay limits on the Son of God, whose Father willed that he be limitless, and like Himself in freedom and in love?

Today let me give honor to Your Son, for thus alone I find the way to You. Father, I lay no limits on the Son You love and You created limitless. The honor that I give to him is Yours, and what is Yours belongs to me as well.