Sunday, April 25, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 114

©2010 Rev. David Seacord



(97) I am spirit.

(98) I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.



Although actually impossible, 'failing' is a beautiful necessity of the spiritual path. (Today's painting, for instance,  was a repeated failure that became a jewel, where all 'mistakes' became 'eventual essential contributions', once I finally 'got the picture'.) How else could we become both grounded and humble in our spiritual skills?  We are all here in this time/space dimensionality to master the lessons of duality, which includes 'success/failure'.  That does not mean becoming 'a king of the world' (which is the goal of the ego, pretty much).  It means something more like 'being a master at recognizing illusions' (and then 'not touching' them).  


Direct knowledge is our most precious wealth.  We/I gain this through our experiences WHEN we/I don't lay an egoic story on top of them.  Direct knowledge is the truth that was experienced before the ego/mind activated and laid it's version of what happened over the top of the direct experience.  My guess is about 90% of our habitual egoic reality is made this way (if you/I are 'spiritual').  For most people, egoic reality is nearer 100%, and they are 'unaware' of that.  


This +/- 10% window we/I  have is 'the space to take a breath in', and choose to not react, or choose to Love.  This is a huge grace.  It gives you and I an opening to choose to be (or practice being) authentic and real.  You and I already know this deep satisfaction.  We've all experienced it. It is the satisfaction of feeling joy, and freedom of spirit.  It is the freedom of being our heart, of having access to compassion, of being willing to love in the face of Kali (Hindu goddess of destruction [not the exactest translation, but workable]).  


Above all, using this window develops courage.  This will result in you/I 'becoming a light', for that which has and is 'courageousness' is very bright to the world (which teaches us all to cower to our fears).  


There is no questioning then, about 'what is our purpose, our destiny'.  It simply finds us, for we are visible and not hidden.  Therefore, be bright.  Meet that destiny.  Be Spirit. It is the reason we/I/you are here. 


This I teach, that I may also so learn. 






Lesson 114

For morning and evening review:

(97) I am spirit.

I am the Son of God. No body can contain my spirit, 
nor impose on me a limitation God created not.

(98) I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

What can my function be but to accept the Word of God, 
Who has created me for what I am and will forever be?

On the hour:

I am spirit.

On the half hour:

I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.