Commentary on ACIM Lesson 230
© 2010 Rev. David Seacord
Now will I seek and find the peace of God.
Tonight as I was leaving the assisted living facility that my parents live in, there was a community meeting taking place in the dining hall. As I walked by, I realized I was being acknowledged by a majority of those gathered, one way or another. Some looked up and smiled, some nodded, some gave a little wave. An awareness rose in me that these elderly had 'become people' to me over the course of the many months that I have been here supporting my parents. From a diffused blob of ancient bodies have emerged individual, differentiated humans with remnants of personality and life still within them, making the best they are able of life with the faculties that still remained to them, and accepting as graciously as they can the loss of others, as the case may be.
But for me, I saw that my work here as a minister of God has been much broader than just my parents, for there have been many moments within this elder community that I have been giver of love, in many forms, but in particular, music. Anyway, I was blessed to see that I have made a difference to these lives, and what caught me by surprise was to see tonight that they have made a difference in mine too, simply by their receiving me as I am among them.
So.... my horizons expand.... and I am no longer so blind to the beingness of the ancient ones.
Tomorrow, there comes my opportunity to expand even further, as my life takes me into the halls of this nations legal justice system to deal with the costly impact of minor road inattentiveness. There is a different culture of relatedness in those halls, one normally adversarial. My learning opportunity is to carry the spirit of God's peace while speaking my true heart without granting any power to 'fear of legal consequences'. In other words, for me, it is an opportunity for courage, as I confront both my current situation, AND old wounds in my past at the hands of 'the law', as I bring them to the light for God's Love to be healed. Obviously, in the end, all suffering and pain experiences must be forgiven. Each day is that opportunity. Tomorrow is no different.
Any blessing thoughts sent my way in support of my strength of heart, and visualizing an outcome of wholeness tomorrow afternoon will be received with gratitude.
Lesson 230
Now will I seek and find the peace of God.
In peace I was created. And in peace do I remain. It is not given me to change my Self. How merciful is God my Father, that when He created me He gave me peace forever. Now I ask but to be what I am. And can this be denied me, when it is forever true?
Father, I seek the peace You gave as mine in my creation. What was given then must be here now, for my creation was apart from time, and still remains beyond all change. The peace in which Your Son was born into Your Mind is shining there unchanged. I am as You created me. I need but call on You to find the peace You gave. It is Your Will that gave it to Your Son.
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