Thursday, August 26, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 233
© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

I give my life to God to guide today.

"No reserve at all...." . That is the message of God's incomprehensible Love. It's the same as 'total trust'. Of course, if we are 'of split mind', it will only be a fairy tale. But, using time for the purpose it was made (which is to allow us to learn by our experiences) we will discover one day that we are ready....and it is our day to embrace our life with this incomprehensible total trust. And on that day, our mind will be one, and totally silent.



Lesson 233

I give my life to God to guide today.

Father, I give You all my thoughts today. I would have none of mine. In place of them, give me Your Own. I give You all my acts as well, that I may do Your Will instead of seeking goals which cannot be obtained, and wasting time in vain imaginings. Today I come to You. I will step back and merely follow You. Be You the Guide, and I the follower who questions not the wisdom of the Infinite, nor Love whose tenderness I cannot comprehend, but which is yet Your perfect gift to me.

Today we have one Guide to lead us on. And as we walk together, we will give this day to Him with no reserve at all. This is His day. And so it is a day of countless gifts and mercies unto us.