Friday, September 17, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 252

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

The Son of God is my Identity.

Most of us think we exist, at least that's what I experience that most of us think. But there have been a few awesome moments in my life that altered the solidity of that 'thinking', and opened me (or cracked me) to a different way of seeing and knowing. That is what I write about here in these Commentaries.

Todays lesson uses language that reminds me of how little I actually understand, when compared to 'the totality'. Of course, as a limited being, I can't compare anything to 'the totality', because I have no grasp of it. That is 'the limited me' I am referring to, aka me as an ego. But the cracks let light in, and that light brought with it Love, and Love taught me I am only as limited as I am blind, and I am only as blind as I am committed to keeping my eyes and heart closed. And Love also taught me that the true me is NEVER committed to a closed heart or a blind perception.

I remember how humbled I was once, years ago, when my son's response to a breakdown he had 'caused' taught me a beautiful lesson. "Oh", he'd said, "I made a mistake". That was all. No upset, no guilt, no remorse, no trip laying upon himself of any kind. He just acknowledged the mistake, corrected it, and moved on. If I remember, he was not yet ten.

Isn't it great to be around teachers like that? The great secret is: we ALWAYS are. They are old, and young, strong and weak, arrogant and humble, wise and ignorant. They are our friends, our 'enemies', our lovers, our jailers, and our deepest beloveds. Sometimes it is easy to see their gifts, and sometimes it is hard. But when it is hard, it is always because of one reason: We think we exist separate from them (meaning, we think we are 'free' to forget we exist in a non-divisable universe). We are. But at a price called suffering.

The end of suffering begins with giving up our separate identity. That is the way to becoming a Son of God. For no Son of God knows him/herself as anything other than the whole. And as the whole is one, in truth, we are one also. We know we have truly 'got it' by a simple little test.... it is called "the presence of Joy in our heart". No better compass through life is there than this.




Lesson 252

The Son of God is my Identity.

My Self is holy beyond all the thoughts of holiness of which I now conceive. Its shimmering and perfect purity is far more brilliant than is any light that I have ever looked upon. Its love is limitless, with an intensity that holds all things within it, in the calm of quiet certainty. Its strength comes not from burning impulses which move the world, but from the boundless Love of God Himself. How far beyond this world my Self must be, and yet how near to me and close to God!

Father, You know my true Identity. Reveal It now to me who am Your Son, that I may waken to the truth in You, and know that Heaven is restored to me.