Saturday, December 25, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 356

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

Isn't the 'Christmas Spirit' a sweet presence? Just knowing Christmas is around the corner lightens everything. And this is exactly what it is supposed to do....

I went into town on errands and unexpectedly ran into some delightful children I know from church. We have a great fun time playing foolishly for a few minutes.... There is a crafters/farmers market happening on the closed street in front of the Art Center, and so I finally had the opportunity to show a vendor friend who was there my art in person.... I stopped by my mom's MD office with a question about her meds, and I am given a free months supply, with warm smiles from his staff... I stop by the local fast food vegan restaurant, following up on my offer to relieve them of their organic compostable vegetable pulp (from: their juice making-- to: my compost pile) and we solidify the way it will work smoothly....and the owner is soooo happy to not have to throw it all into the dumpster. I feel an impulse to share a 'Merry Christmas' greeting with a local healer as I am driving by her office. She's there and so is another ACIM friend, so it's a '2-for'..... I see a seasonal produce stand (The Lemon Tree) has opened (for the winter--- that's the growing season in Yuma) and they have 'just picked' homegrown produce. How great! I see a sign saying "Oranges, 30 for $1, you pick" and turn the corner while trying to memorize the address. I get lost a bit but suddenly I see the farmhouse I am in front of has a loaded pomegranate tree. I stop, knock on the door and the man & woman give me permission to take whatever I'd like. Then she also tells me she has an organic garden out back and that they will have way more then they will be able to possibly use in a few weeks! We exchange phone numbers. Oh, and I forgot to mention the city parking lot orange tree that I picked a bag from earlier that were just delicious.

By the time I returned home, I am full of warm fuzz, and happy clams. Mom is on the phone with Sister D.... I ask a turn and share/embellish with Sis my adventures step by step as she oohs/ aahs/ appreciates in the special way only she 'gets me'. As I turn the phone back over to Mom I notice that she is kinda bouncing in her chair. She is chuckling/smiling/laughing from overhearing my adventures.

Something in me wakes up as I see the gift it was for Mom to hear me sharing with my sister.... watching her children love each other. I saw once again that how we know each other is not through some assessment/judgement process... no, no, no.... knowing each other is purely a function of sharing/communicating/communing our real life with each other.

Part of my spiritual training includes having spent intimate time with a spiritual community that 'held all things in common' (joint property ownership). I never fully joined up because I just couldn't 'do that'.... BUT, I was loved, welcomed, and accepted as I was anyway. And what I witnessed each morning of my occasional visits was the communities 'coming together time' before and around the shared breakfast table. And during the course of that, all kinds of communications were shared. It was like there was no 'private' thinking.... to keep the community in the same mind space (their version of ''God's Mind/Space") there were no secrets, and the idea was that it was right that everybody have 'the update' on everything that was going on.... how the work was going on this or that building or work project, what was up with a certain pregnancy, where things were in the money making business that supported the community, even what was not working for any of the couples....

The groups leader was a wise and God-loving man, and he taught me in many ways many of the teaching I now share with you.... especially he taught me that 'It's ALL covered." But the ultimate thing I learned there is simply that, no matter by what name, all spirituality is about is true communion. The kind of communion that naturally embraces any other living being as another itself. That is the spirit of Christmas that I wish to bless you with, that I may receive the same. There is only one of us here. And how I loved seeing my mother "chuckle-bounce". :-)




Lesson 356

Sickness is but another name for sin.
Healing is but another name for God.
The miracle is thus a call to Him.

Father, You promised You would never fail to answer any call Your Son might make to You. It does not matter where he is, what seems to be his problem, nor what he believes he has become. He is Your Son, and You will answer him. The miracle reflects Your Love, and thus it answers him. Your Name replaces every thought of sin, and who is sinless cannot suffer pain. Your Name gives answer to Your Son, because to call Your Name is but to call his own.