Monday, January 10, 2011

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 361

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord


I feel blessed that I have done these writings this year 'to no one else's standards' but the blessing of my Godness within. That alone gives them validity to me, as the expression of a God-guided process. And as we near the close of this Course's journey, I look back and feel grateful for each one of you who have found value enough to be part of this spiritual exploratory circle with me. You have provided me the accountability that I many times needed to 'just do it'. That writing now lives as part of my daily life has altered the trajectory of my life, and it is clear that was 'meant to be'. And that I will continue writing is also clear.

I have given many thoughts to what happens after Commentary #365, and the clearest answer is Commentary #366. There is, after all, a whole Text to explore, and also, if I were to write on the lessons again, I have the thought that perhaps I could do 'better', at least for some.

The elements of personal diary journalism that have many times been included I am sure will also continue, for I know of no other way to be authentic than to share with you the truth about my life. And on that front, I get the sense that I may be given permission to share more broadly even, as long as I bring it back to our spiritual interest common denominator.

And for that reason, I have been considering a name change--- to something that is not exclusively indicative of the Course, yet which does not exclude the Course also, obviously. How does "Everyman's Journal 2011---- Commentaries On, and Beyond, A Course in Miracles" sound to you, for instance? Just a suggestion. Please let me know what you think.... there are yet a few days left to formulate a format for the new year. :-)



Often my life is blessed by my curiosity. It is, after all, one of the most primal characteristics of being sentient. And it must be included therefore, in any contemplation of the comment by Jesus that: "Except you become as a little child, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Usually that scripture puts focus on the innocence of children, but I think we would do well to look at all the other universal attributes of the childlike, including curiosity....

Anyway, I found myself being curious today, and followed it to it's logical conclusions. And my reward was the deep tangible satisfaction of new learning, purely for the sake of new learning.

It started a couple days ago when my clothes iron of many years stopped heating.... so I borrowed Mom's. But today, I found myself looking at my old iron and wondering if I could fix it.... I am, after all, a skilled fix-it man in many areas.... but I had no experience with irons. So I was back at baboon base one.... just looking at the iron and scratching my noggin and stroking my chin, looking for clues as to how to dismantle it without destroying it. My first clue was to realize the nameplate probably just snapped off. I tested and it did, revealing a couple of screwheads that I went to work on. But once they were off, the iron didn't just release and open sesame, like I had hoped. In fact, it was like those two screws didn't make any difference at all. Darn. (Should I give you a blow by blow, or just cut to the chase?) Ok, cut to the chase. I found this and that, pushed and pulled and pryed, reached the point where I realized the iron was destined for the trash-can anyway so when ahead and destroyed 'an obstacle' or two, and finally got the iron apart. There it was, all in pieces, some a little more mangled than others.

You know about 'second wind'? It's a runner's thing. It means your lungs move to a new higher level.... well, curiosity has a second level too.... don't know the name, but it has it. And I entered it, just looking at the pile of iron parts. How DID that darn iron work, anyway? I started to see if I could figure it out. To do that, I had to see if I could put it back together, or at least understand how the parts were supposed to fit.... and, like getting engrossed in a jigsaw puzzle, all the spacial relationships started coming into focus, and suddenly, the amazing beauty of the Total Design appeared.... Like the Idea of Electric, Heat-controlable Irons moved in reverse from a pile of parts to a cosmic conception of brilliance, a pure possibility. (Too much?) OK, anyway, I got high 'being curiosity' today.

Another way to say it is: I lost myself. Which, if you think about it, is real close to spiritual freedom.... the "less self, less ego" kind. And, another way to think about curiosity is as, well, just being interested... completely interested.... in something. Anything else, any something will do... just as long as it doesn't have a 'me, me, me, me or I, I, I, I' mantra or name to it :-). And that 'being interested' might-could be a good way to enter a 'being one with' something else, don't you think?




Lesson 360

Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.
Peace to my brother, who is one with me.
Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.

Father, it is Your peace that I would give, receiving it of You. I am Your Son, forever just as You created me, for the Great Rays remain forever still and undisturbed within me. I would reach to them in silence and in certainty, for nowhere else can certainty be found. Peace be to me, and peace to all the world. In holiness were we created, and in holiness do we remain. Your Son is like to You in perfect sinlessness. And with this thought we gladly say "Amen."