Friday, September 17, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 256

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

God is the only goal I have today.

What, exactly, is the 'peace of God?' I suppose there are many levels of such a question, and many ways to answer. But the answer I am experiencing is: The Peace of God is 'space'.

I am still integrating the bodywork I received as a 'gift of God' last night, and it is this that has led me to see God's peace as 'space'. Or, more accurately, that the lack of space is why we are NOT experiencing peace (when we are not). There's more.

The work that D.B. did upon me was deceptively simple--- he found the pain, and he pushed (gently) into it. What is pain? It is 'no space'. It is where contraction has no room to relax. Why? Because I was still holding on to unforgiving thoughts (anger, sadness, etc) and it was being stored in, and manifesting, in my body. Where else but into our bodies is our upset, rage, powerlessness, or frustration going to go if we do not forgive, both ourselves and the others involved? It stays with us, and eventually cripples us until finally it kills, when there is simply no room left to 'be'.

What D.B. did that was healing was to lead me in deep release breath work. He got me clear that, as everything is related, the inflammation that 'suddenly appeared' in my shoulder and elbow were not 1. a sudden event (but rather a 'call for help' that had been building over time, and that I finally could not ignore), and 2., that inflammation in particular is a dis-ease manifestation of suppressed anger. As he pushed on my pain areas (which was obviously very painful) he had me do a very specific kind of breathing to release the anger. It was the kind of breath that would 'fog a mirror', as distinct from 'blow out a candle'. It was like how a singer meters out the air from their lung bellow with great efficiency, except in this breath no sound was made. There is a yogic name for this kind of breath, but I don't remember it. D.B. had me add 'the emotion' that was in the pain into the breath, and see it as 'very hot', like a dragons. I breathed out the pain, again, and again, and again.

Sometimes, he said, he will spend a whole session on just one muscle, because that is how tight we get. In any event, for me, it all connected. Deep work like this makes the body feel 'different', and that is because it is literally a physical reconstruction process.

This morning as I drove the 3 hours back home, my body just kept taking these huge breaths, and then, slowly releasing, more and more. It was then that I noticed that the peace was physical. That I had a new space in me. So you see, peace IS space. You might say, space to breathe.

I've had a talk with D.B. today, and I hope to arrange to have him come here to Yuma to do a training.... miofascial release work is what it is called. He's about to publish a book on it and his teaching seminars are a wonderful way to learn and practice. I think it would be wonderful if a lot more of us were able to help each other do such deep work. We all probably need more than a few sessions to empty ourselves of these major emotional poisons. At least, I sense I do, and I'd like to create a few skilled practitioners in the area to trade with. If you are interested, please let me know. I'll keep you informed as to developments.




Lesson 256

God is the only goal I have today.

The way to God is through forgiveness here. There is no other way. If sin had not been cherished by the mind, what need would there have been to find the way to where you are? Who would still be uncertain? Who could be unsure of who he is? And who would yet remain asleep, in heavy clouds of doubt about the holiness of him whom God created sinless? Here we can but dream. But we can dream we have forgiven him in whom all sin remains impossible, and it is this we choose to dream today. God is our goal; forgiveness is the means by which our minds return to Him at last.

And so, our Father, would we come to You in Your appointed way. We have no goal except to hear Your Voice, and find the way Your sacred Word has pointed out to us.