Monday, October 11, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 262

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

Let me perceive no differences today.

It is in recognizing our unity, and only in that, that we enter the peace of God. As the third Zen Ancestor wrote circa 300 years before Jesus was born into this world: "Make the smallest distinction (of separation), and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart". It is inside of this 'infinitely apartness' that our entire universe appears to exist. The only way to know that this appearance is unreal is see 'from Unity'.

When seeing from unity, nothing is hidden, nor can it be, and only the truth exists, clear and unambiguous. When only the truth exists, there is naturally the peace of God, for its absence depends on seeing 'the separated condition' as a Reality.

Only the Godness that IS is THE Reality, and from it we all arise and return, no matter the lifetimes spent upon the journey. On this journey, the lot of men is generally filled with great suffering, for as the Buddha taught, personal desire is the source of suffering, and to rise above desire is the path to freedom (Nirvana).

The Key then, in being in the world, is (as Jesus the Christ taught) to not be of it. This state is like being able to walk on water, for to move amongst the world while being at the same time free of it is a state of great liberation, and one naturally becomes a 'wayshower' to those around him/her.

This is the temporary destiny of each of us...temporary because there will come a point where we will fully re-enter God, never to return to this dimension. As God's existence is infinite, not to worry. Love will still use us as it's expression in currently unimaginable ways.

Here and now, our 'job' is simply to practice seeing truly, which means seeing 'from Unity'. In practical terms, this simply means being willing to love all beings above all other choices that the world tempts us with. Of course this includes loving ourselves, as it is clear without self-love, no other love is possible. Therefore my 'another myself', my mirror, and my teacher, I pranam (bow) to our oneness, which is Now, Eternally, and Forever.

