Monday, October 11, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 282

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

Let me not be afraid of truth today.....

That pretty much does lay it on the line, doesn't it? I mean, what else could it be that we are actually afraid of? Marianne Williamson's writing that it is our brilliance that we fear rings so very true right now. If we were not afraid of truth, why would we hide from it? Each of us does at least a bit still, probably because we're not wishing to 'lose' our 'identity' (code for 'our individuality', 'our specialness', 'our separateness').

We actually think that we would be lost in a sea of chaos if we gave that up, let it go, released it. We still think we wouldn't know who we were.

You know what I am going to say. Yep. It is these very thoughts and beliefs that keep us from knowing who we are. Remember heysuss? (Jesus?) "No man can serve two masters?" and all that? And didn't even Bob Dylan (during his 'born again' period in the 70's) write a song about 'you're gonna have to serve somebody'....?

These messages keep dropping in on mankind periodically, and everybody not made of cement gets it, and then most promptly ignore it... 'for now', we think. We go into the old 'someday story', then we'll get to that.... after.... whatever it is that is more important than being happy and at peace now now now now now.

You have of course been noticing I keep saying 'we', because it is also what I see I am doing too. At least enough to still 'have a separate identity'. And an ego drive. But as I live past the markerpoints of youth, and default into greater degrees of maturity, I notice I am 'more willing' to entertain embracing Reality, simply because it is more and more obvious that Reality is embracing me.

So, for all of us, I'll say it once again.... Let me not be afraid of the truth today. Hooray for us, and the simple willingness to be happy with the exact conditions we exist within right now.

For the only real way to 'change our lives' is to grow into being our true being. And not resisting our current conditions is the first authentic, powerful step in that growth.




Lesson 282

I will not be afraid of love today.

If I could realize but this today, salvation would be reached for all the world. This the decision not to be insane, and to accept myself as God Himself, my Father and my Source, created me. This the determination not to be asleep in dreams of death, while truth remains forever living in the joy of love. And this the choice to recognize the Self Whom God created as the Son He loves, and Who remains my one Identity.

Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine. Such is the truth. And can the truth be changed by merely giving it another name? The name of fear is simply a mistake. Let me not be afraid of truth today.