Thursday, April 29, 2010


Commentary on ACIM Lesson 119
©2010 Rev.  David Seacord




(107) Truth will correct all errors in my mind.

(108) To give and to receive are one in truth


I am aware that as a teacher of God, I am a beginner.  I am very happy to be so, for even though I do 'make mistakes', I am saturated enough with what we call 'the truth' to clean them up (the mistakes).  As the Course says, that is all that is called for.  Just correction.  Nothing else.  No wallowing in self-pity or unworthiness, no ingratiating posturing or posing, none of that is necessary.  Just correct, and clean up, and then (the important point) MOVE ON.  That doesn't mean run from, deny, forget about--- all that stuff either.  Move on simply means 'return to upright trueness', and be present with 'what is NOW' again.  Actually, the last sentence is the formula for correction and clean up also.  


Todays review reminds us of two important points.  Point One is that there IS A WAY to correct errors, and that WAY is found in 'being with' Truth.  This is not a conceptual thing.  Truth is never a conceptual thing.  Truth is a state of Knowledge, and is accessed (as was practiced yesterday) by being still, and listening.  That listening is a silent listening.  It is a listening that has let go of all personal knowing, all personal dreams, all personal desires.  It is a listening that arises when the listener is empty of the world.  And to that listening 'seeing' is given.  That is vision.  Once vision is given, the world is a completely malleable phenomena that responses instantly, like a thoroughbred race horse, to the slightest touch.  That is why life is often referred to (spiritually) as 'the play of God'.  With each of us in our own starring role.  


Point Two is that from inside of this 'quiet emptiness which listens' there is no giver and no receiver.  There is only unity flowing (like a perpetual motion machine) with a dynamic pulse that appears to be creating a giver and a receiver.  Yet none that receives may continue to do so without giving, and none that gives may continue to do so without receiving.  Therefore, both states are equal.  What I think Jesus meant when he said 'It is greater to give than to receive' was that (to his listeners who were listening through an agricultural cultural paradigm) it is necessary to ignite the inception of 'unity flowing' by an investment of giving.  He was describing the divine principle of accomplishment through an act of faith.  I.e., you start the engine by 'giving'.  That is not the same as an act of hope.  An act of true faith is always based on a Knowledge of Truth.  It is then, simply correct understanding to see that nothing that is given is ever lost, and that all pure thought is magnified by the selfless sharing of it.  The underlying condition required to realize that 'giving and receiving are one' is simple freedom from personal need.  The Way to this freedom is to forgive oneself for having forgotten God IS, and then 'returning to upright trueness'.  


This I teach, that I may also so learn it (real well :-).....  






Lesson 119

For morning and evening review:

(107) Truth will correct all errors in my mind.

I am mistaken when I think I can be hurt in any 
way. I am God's Son, whose Self rests safely in 
the Mind of God.

(108) To give and to receive are one in truth.

I will forgive all things today, that I may learn how 
to accept the truth in me, and come to recognize my 

On the hour:

Truth will correct all errors in my mind.

On the half hour:

To give and to receive are one in truth.

(108) To give and to receive are one in truth.