Monday, October 11, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 283

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

My true Identity lies in You.

I could use your prayers. I woke up this morning realizing I must fast (water only), and so I began. The issue is pain and lack of free movement in my right elbow and shoulder (normally called a 'bursitis'). I've been working with it for a while, since I met David Berger, the master bodyworker a few weeks ago at a rawfood potluck in Phoenix. At times I seemed to have made progress. But it hasn't healed and my arm is critical to everything I do, and so I realized I must fast, to give it the fullest healing opportunity possible.

You and I know things like this have emotional ties too. In particular, forgiveness issues. I understand that, and I am working hard to do that, and there is (it appears) some distance to go. I pop back and forth between elevated perceptions --- abstracted, intelligent, detached, where it is obvious that compassion is the only appropriate response --- and then I let myself entertain some thought of anger, or maybe be 'just a little irritated' about 'the world' (authority in particular) and I am quickly drowning in that poison soup, and so, I get on my knees (mostly 'figuratively'), working to bless and forgive those brothers what I have experienced as 'trespassing upon me', and whom so far I have not been able to see 'newly' (i.e., 'forgive').

I pray I will see light at the end of the tunnel soon. I'm sure your prayers of encouragement and physical healing will be felt. I would appreciate them very much.

So todays lesson is right on point for me. It is totally about forgiveness. About recognizing my true identity as a Son of the Godness, and being now at One with all that IS. I wouldn't be surprised if you are sharing my experience--- that the longer I keep doing the Course, the more the Course is giving me exactly what I need to meet what is coming up (or at least reveal it). It is all about our/my purification. It would be nice if it were about looking good, or just being enlightened. Perhaps someday it will be. I do know beings like that. They serve a models for the possibility. But when purification is experienced as a fire, there is a heat in the process.

At times like these, I am glad to remember the Buddhist teaching about 'suffering that is not suffering'. It is, as I wrote just yesterday, simply being willing to experience exactly what I am experiencing.




Lesson 283

My true Identity abides in You.

Father, I made an image of myself, and it is this I call the Son of God. Yet is creation as it always was, for Your creation is unchangeable. Let me not worship idols. I am he my Father loves. My holiness remains the light of Heaven and the Love of God. Is not what is beloved of You secure? Is not the light of Heaven infinite? Is not Your Son my true Identity, when You created everything that is?

Now are we One in shared Identity, with God our Father as our only Source, and everything created part of us. And so we offer blessing to all things, uniting lovingly with all the world, which our forgiveness has made one with us.