Commentary on ACIM Lesson 363
© 2010 Rev. David Seacord
To start with, to those of you that have responded with your thoughts about renaming this Commentary, I thank you, as your input is being digested :-), and I am sure will get reflected...., and I am assuming that for those of you who did not respond, you have no preference or opinion, which is perfect also. So all is well, as always.
My lesson's today were delivered to me while I was in the disguise of "an after-Christmas special's shopper". I devoted the entire day to it, and ended up exploring impulsively many establishments 'just for the heck of it, I'm already right here...'. It was almost like being out on the town with a date, except that the date kept changing, as they were all salespeople. That, however, is not and should not be a stop to authenticity. In fact, my experience is that it is a mutually wonderful moment when the role of the 'saleperson' suddenly or gradually drops away, and the real being shows up....
It is what all of us are really doing, wherever we are and whatever we are doing, when we are being fully present. It is, in summation, being an invitation to play the game of life on a new, 'higher' level, which is characterized, as the Course has said, by the spirit of win/win... where I hold an equally valid concern for the total success of a salesperson and their company as I do for 'getting a good deal'. I find people real appreciate it, in fact I think it is that space being present that makes the difference and allows all the roles to drop.
You know what makes it real though? It is that you do what you say you will. In other words, integrity. Everybody is so used to nobody having integrity (like being on time, or doing a good job because you said you would etc) that when it occurs in their life, it is very tangible. It is a powerful example. It is the example that Jesus delivered, for sure.
I get to practice my own advice too. 'Being my word' is a spiritual practice, and so, what it comes down to is: If you say you are gonna do it, you do it. Yesterday I asked for and was given permission from a large furniture store to collect some of their large cardboard boxes (which I make into protective coverings for my larger paintings). But I had some errands to do and so I didn't want to deal with the pile of boxes right then. So I said, "OK, I'll be back after I run some other errands". Soon after I'd said it, I wished I hadn't, because 'tomorrow' would have been 'better (meaning 'easier, more convenient'). There was no good reason to go all the way back there.... except that I had said I would. After a bit of back and forth internal dialogue, my integrity practice had me go back. Nothing magical happened out of doing that... there was no reward from God or anything.... in fact the place was closed up so nobody even saw that I came back. But I knew I had kept my integrity, and been my word....
What is that saying.... the measure of who you are is made visible by what you do when no one is looking... That is how it is with integrity. Do you know what the word actually means? It surprised me when I learned.... it means 'wholeness'.
Lesson 363
This holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace.
And if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. If I need a thought, that will He also give. And if I need but stillness and a tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. He is in charge by my request. And He will hear and answer me, because He speaks for God my Father and His holy Son.
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