Commentary on ACIM Lesson 162
©2010 Rev. David Seacord
I am as God created me.
The confront of truth....
God caught up with me in the shower this morning for a little revelatory man-to-man, so to speak. (Interestingly, when I just misspelled revelatory, Spellcheck also gave me the choice of 'elevatory', which I realize was true too.... i.e., 'a little elevatory man-to-man'.)
Jonah didn't want to go to Ninavah either, so I know I am not the first person God has had to deal with that gets stubborn occasionally. It's not that I really want to be stubborn. It's just that when the floodgates open a bit and I get shown a little peek of the possible future, and where we (God and I and everybody else, really) are headed on this journey, I get challenged a bit, and 'have to deal with' my 'I can't do that' program.
In this instance, I'm not talking about any earth shaking big time project though. I talking about something very simple, but not easy, suddenly. You see, I got given a glimpse of what it would be like to be without any judgements about anybody. I got given a glimpse of what it would be like to see everyone as a Son of God. That was the inspiring part. Then I saw (for a tiny second, before I couldn't look any more) how much judgement and personal specialness I am still holding onto that I will have to let go of to fully be God's Love in this world, and I just 'crashed'. It seemed so impossible, and that there was still such a long way to go.
I know this was just a tantrum. And I did give my ego space to have it. Then, when God started talking, I was a bit calmer. So here's the point.....
Gangaji once said "All anybody really wants is to be seen.... really seen." I know that is true, from personal experience. I can look back at all the saints I have met and see that the one consistent similarity between them all was that I got they 'saw Me'. Maybe also they saw my baggage, but if they did, I did not feel it or know it. And you know, I am sure, because we are all super sensitive, when someone is faking being 'non-judgemental'.... and the part that is tough to swallow is that I see I have been one of those people faking it, whilst all the while filing my opinions where I could get them back whenever 'I let my hair down' (meaning, stepping out of my saint's clothes and slipping back into my comfortable ol' ego).
Well, what good is that going to do, really? I mean, sure, I meet the minimum 'teacher of God' requirements, because I have a good heart that can compassionately feel, and therefore I can see 'another's interest as my own'. But, that is minimum. To really get being a 'Son of God' down, I just got there are 'a few additional requirements', like being fully grounded, well practiced, and consistent in seeing 'my brother' as a Son of God too, and without editing or judging either him or myself.
So for me, the playing field just got bigger than I ever imagined. It's still my territory, God says. I've still got all the support I've ever needed too. It just takes a willingness to shift to a higher gear, grab a deep breath, and get back on the court.
Humbly, I might add, given that even though I've got the upgraded vision installed, today I am the new kid in the field, beginning to learn the game 'at a new level' . God says, don't worry. It's like this for everyone. It's called 'beginners mind'. :-)
My personal version, in first person.
Lesson 162
I am as God created me.
This single thought, held firmly in my mind, would save the world. From time to time I will repeat it, as I reach another stage in learning. And it will mean far more to me as I advance. These words are sacred, for they are the words God gave me in answer to the world I made. By them the world disappears, and all things seen within its misty clouds and vaporous illusions vanish as these words are spoken. For they come from God.
Here is the Word by which the Son became his Father's happiness, His Love and His completion. Here creation is proclaimed, and honored as it is. There is no dream these words will not dispel; no thought of sin and no illusion which the dream contains that will not fade away before their might.They are the trumpet of awakening that sounds around the world. The dead awake in answer to its call. And those who live and hear this sound will never look on death.
Holy indeed am I who make these words my own; arising with them in my mind, recalling them throughout the day, at night bringing them with me as I goes to sleep. My dreams are happy and my rest secure, my safety certain and my body healed, because I sleep and wakens with the truth before me always. I will save the world, because I give the world what I receive each time I practice these words of truth.
Today I practice simply. For the words I use are mighty, and they need no thoughts beyond themselves to change the mind of anyone who uses them. So wholly is that mind changed that it is now the treasury in which God places all His gifts and all His Love, to be distributed to all the world, increased in giving; kept complete because its sharing is unlimited. And thus I learn to think with God. Christ's vision has restored my sight by salvaging my mind.
I honor my holiness today. My right to perfect holiness I now accept. With this acceptance is salvation brought to everyone, for who could cherish sin when holiness like this has blessed the world? Who could despair when perfect joy is mine, available to all as remedy for grief and misery, all sense of loss, and for complete escape from sin and guilt?
And who would not be brother to me now; I, his redeemer and his savior. Who could fail to welcome me into his heart with loving invitation, eager to unite with one like him in holiness? I am as God created me. These words dispel the night, and darkness is no more. The light is come today to bless the world. For I have recognized the Son of God, and in that recognition is the world's salvation.