Corrected Commentary on ACIM Lesson 17
©2010 Rev. David Seacord
I see no neutral things.
I must bust myself AGAIN. (And surrender to that busting myself IS the path to authenticity. But, darn, I (ego) sure would love to never make mistakes, and it is humbling to do it publicly.)
Ok, what's wrong? you're asking. Not much, only a tiny little insignificant error of understanding that only makes everything else a lie. It's in the line: 'Eventually we become tired of outsourced stimulants, and begin to thirst to listen to the call from within'.
Do you see it? A clue: Try putting the word 'only' in that sentence someplace. Wherever it makes most sense to you....
My writing process for these commentaries is forcing me to dig into myself bigtime. To make an error that asks for, make that requires, correction publicly requires (there's that word again) me to dig for and into ego protected shadows, and exposes attitudes fossilized by belief into 'truth' that is not 'living truth'. Oh, 'I understand' here will not make a difference. Oh, 'I taste', that does.
All I can say is, after writing and sending todays commentary, I climbed back into my bed (remember, I write 3 to 6 am now, because I told you that is what I'd do, and my integrity practice is 'to be and honor my Word'). I know I am free, and that I may change that, but that's a different conversation. For now, that is what I am doing. Anyway, as I was slipping to sleep for another hour, I noticed I was complaining about how unfair this was. That I 'had to' produce in this tiny little window some perfect jewelness of inspiration. Other 'spiritual writers' get to take their time, edit, rewrite, sleep on it, come back to it.... all that. But I am not somehow (by my own mind, you see) allowed to do that. I am just to do it perfect the first time, or something. Leaves me feeling a little separated (easy to see, right). So the true thought that applies here is from Richard Bach's book The Illusions of a Reluctant Messiah. Quote: We teach best what we need to learn most. I admit its truth. There, the playing field is level again. Thank God.
Anyway, where did you put the "only". I woke from sleep with the correct understanding. Actually, it awoke me from sleep. Whoa! Excellent! Yes! It awakes us! The reversal of thinking languaged! To succinctly taste the rewire: Eventually we become tired of outsourced (external) stimulants only (ie, when they are empty(!) of the spirit, the waters of joy, the fullness of Love and Forgiveness), and begin to thirst (for the spirit, the waters of joy, the fullness of Love and Forgiveness) to listen to the call from within.
Of course this is so much more accurate! We die/whither spiritually when we find ourselves in this hellish isolation. We must have spiritual food (eat at the table of the Great Peace) if we are to walk in this world and be HAPPY. Am I taking a direction here that makes sense? I pray so, for what got originally written could be interpreted as 'aestheticism' (the complete denial of the world as a place for joy), when the whole point of enlightenment is the opposite: To BE the JOY of GOD IN the world.
Namaste (again),
Commentary inspired by ACIM Lesson 17
©2010 Rev. David Seacord
I see no neutral things.
Remember Lesson 2? (I have given everything I see all the meaning that is has for me?) Todays lesson is a beautiful variable, leading you/me to a new viewpoint, from which we have another opportunity/possibility of seeing reality as the miracle it actually is.
"I laugh when I hear the fish in the water is thirsty" wrote Kabir (600 years ago). While the mystical mysteries of our existence have always called to our exploratory human spirit---- today they are still of deep interest to only a small portion of the human population. There is nothing wrong that this is so. Life is designed to be the 24/7 school of infinity, and as the introduction to the Course says, we are free to elect what we are willing to learn at any given time. Eventually we become tired of outsourced stimulants, and begin to thirst to listen to the call from within.
It is an unspeakable blessing to be so thirsty. Gangaji calls it 'great good luck'. The Course describes a miracle as 'a collapse of time', where learnings that would usually have taken 'lifetimes' are bridged instantaneously. Such good luck and being thirsty can be intentionally requested and received, when we become truly willing to learn newly. That in itself is a miracle. To escape/exit the habituated thinking ruts in our mind will require a reboot, a restart, a fresh page. Todays lesson neutralizes (refreshes/empties) our known view of life, that we may enter a wonderland of 'not knowing'. How liberating it is to finally 'not know' everything. What a mystery it is, to be seeing that same everything as if for the first time.