Commentary on ACIM Lesson 216
© 2010 Rev. David Seacord
It can be but myself I crucify.
In my life I have often been 'a foolish man', particularly in adolescence (but certainly not limited to then). And each time, I would learn once again that no matter how painful the embarrassment or shame was, God was the One who did not abandon me. He/She/Spirit was always present to me, listening to my heart crying 'why, why, why didn't they understand me?'...or, 'I wish I could run away so far no one could ever find me again', etc.
Thank God I did not ever get such a wish. Thank God I have been Loved and Guided by Light each and every day of this life. And above all, Thank God I have learned I can forgive.
From my vantage point today, I can see many other pathways that were 'potential' ways to spend this lifetime, none of them now attractive. At the time, each was attractive only because I was under the illusion that they would 'make me somebody', or give me power to make life be what I wanted it to be. But I didn't die of an overdose, didn't get murdered by a cartel, didn't get mauled and eaten by a grizzly, didn't break my neck wrecking a motorcycle, didn't die of an internal bleeding ulcer.... and eventually I discovered something unnameable was caring for me and protecting me, holding sacred a calling in my heart that I had spent many years attempting to deny....eventually I surrendered to this something..... and stopped crucifying myself, and began to trust 'my hearts calling'.
My first lesson in the curriculum I found next to my pillow (so to speak) was 'to learn to love myself'. I am still practicing that lesson today.
My second lesson came closely after: forgive everyone everything you imagine harmed you. Again, I am still practicing that lesson today.
The third lesson, when it arrived, was: recognize that everyone else is you. Again, still practicing.
And the fourth was the foundation of true faith: Understand... there are no mistakes in this universe, ever.
As the Course says, Atonement becomes real and visible to those who use it. Let us then, remember we are still holy, as God created us, and give up to our Source all imagined else. In this direction alone lies our destiny as God's healing hands within this world.
Lesson 216
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(196) It can be but myself I crucify.
All that I do I do unto myself. If I attack, I suffer.
But if I forgive, salvation will be given me.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.