Commentary on ACIM Lesson 109
©2010 Rev. David Seacord
I rest in God.
I plan to write, as this is a beautiful lesson. But just in case I don't (because of the art show I'm doing etc), here is the lesson.
(Update: this version of this Commentary is being brought to you courtesy of California Highway Patrol wake up service. Driving home from a most beautiful and appreciated show with less to show financially (at least right now) than I went with, I became so exhausted that I had to simply pull off the freeway onto an offramp and fall asleep in my car. Earlier, I had been able to edit the lesson to first person, but for some reason my internet access aircard was not working, so that was not yet uploaded (as it is now). Before falling asleep, I tried one more time, still no connection, so I finally accepted I would just have to accept that. Fell asleep, and some time later, was awoken by the sounds of police radio calling in my license plate, and a flashlite shining in my face and around the car. Two cops talking to each other. I played dead for some reason. "See any weapons" one said to the other, as they looked at the remains of the buckwheat sprout tray on top of my ice cooler.... "No, but look at his hand..." the other said. I realized my hands position up near my chin was not completely visible. Finally 'Knock. Knock knock. I continued to play dead. Knock knock knock knock, knock knock knock. Getter louder. If I don't answer soon they will think I am dead. I move a tiny bit. Then I mumble "You can go away now'. "What was that?" one asks again. Louder, I say "You can go away now". They laugh. Then they announce themselves "CHP, just checking on your safety". "Well, I'm NOT driving, so I am OK. I was just tired". They laugh again. Then they (of all things) leave. I look at my watch. Oh, ten minutes before the auto send. Maybe time to get online and pause it and insert the First person edited version.... Guess what, aircard connected. Here we are again. And now you know without a doubt God wanted you to have this First Person version, right. Enough to hire the CHP to wake me up 'just in time'. That is how it works very often you know.... Just in time. Max's out the 'have faith' potential of a situation..... even when you just give up.
Lesson 109
I rest in God
I ask for rest today, and quietness unshaken by the world's appearances. I ask for peace and stillness, in the midst of all the turmoil born of clashing dreams. I ask for safety and for happiness, although I seem to look on danger and on sorrow. And I have the thought that will answer my asking with what I request.
That thought is: "I rest in God." This thought will bring to me the rest and quiet, peace and stillness, and the safety and the happiness I choose to finally know. "I rest in God." This thought has power to wake the sleeping truth in me (to true vision, which sees beyond appearances to that same truth in everyone and everything there is). Here, in this thought, is the end of suffering for all the world, and everyone who ever came and yet will come to linger for a while. Here is the thought in which the Son of God is born again, to recognize himself.
"I rest in God." Completely undismayed, this thought carries me through storms and strife, past misery and pain, past loss and death, and onward to the certainty of God. There is no suffering in me it cannot heal. There is no problem in me that it cannot solve. And no appearance but will turn to truth before my eyes, when I rest in God.
This is my day of peace. I rest in God, and while the world is torn by winds of hate my rest remains complete and undisturbed. This is 'the rest of truth'. Appearances can no longer intrude upon me. As I call to all to join me in this rest, and they will hear and come to me because I rest in God. They will not hear another voice than mine because I gave my voice to God, and now I rest in Him and let Him speak through me.
In Him I have no cares and no concerns, no burdens, no anxiety, no pain, no fear of future and no past regrets. In timelessness I rest, while time goes by without its touch upon me, for my rest can never change in any way at all. I shall rest today. And as I close my eyes, I shall sink into stillness. I shall let these periods of rest and respite reassure my mind that all its frantic fantasies were but dreams of a fever that has passed away. Let me be still and thankfully, and accept its healing. No more fearful dreams will come, now that I rest in God. I shall take time today to slip away from dreams, and into peace.
Each hour that I take my rest today, another tired mind is suddenly made glad, another bird with broken wings begins to sing, another stream long dry begins to flow again. The world is born again each time I rest, and hourly I shall remember that I came to bring the peace of God into the world, that it might take its rest, along with me.
With each five minutes that I rest today, the world is nearer to awakening. And the time when rest will be the only thing there is comes closer to all worn and tired minds, too weary now to go their way alone. And they, hearing the birds begin to sing, and seeing the streams begin to flow again, with hope reborn and energy restored will walk with lightened steps along a road that suddenly seems easy as they go.
I shall rest within the peace of God today, and call upon my brothers from my rest to draw them to their rest, along with me. I will be faithful to my trust today, forgetting no one, bringing everyone into the boundless circle of my peace, the holy sanctuary where I rest. I shall open the temple doors and let them come from far across the world, and near as well; my distant brothers and my closest friends; I bid them all enter here and rest with me.
I shall rest within the peace of God today, quiet and unafraid. Each brother comes to take his rest, and offer it to me. I shall rest together Here with him, for thus our rest is made complete, and what we give each other today we have both received already. Time is not the guardian of what I give today. I give to those unborn and those passed by, to every Thought of God, and to the Mind in which these Thoughts were born and where they rest. And I shall remind them of their resting place each time I tell myself, "I rest in God."