Thursday, July 01, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 182

©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I will be still an instant and go home.

My miracle today is that I and Rattler, 'a 4 foot 'trophy-beautiful' rattlesnake', are both 'doing fine', not the worst for the 'close encounter'.....

To begin with, this morning I was pretty sweaty after helping my elderly neighbors by doing an emergency repair of a leaking water line in the tiny crawl space under their modular home, and my sweat attracted a large fly. I told it to go elsewhere, but it buzzed me and used me as a landing field and played dodge my swatting hand for a while, until I won the game hands down. Looking at it's body, smashed by a force 50,000 times larger than itself, I understood I had just killed. And it didn't feel good, even if it was 'only a fly'. Life is life. I know I would not wish to be suddenly swatted out of existence..... I found myself asking for help in healing 'the killer' in me....

Later in the afternoon, my neighbor knocked on my door again and told me that my repair had failed, as had his second attempt (while I was gone at the library), and now he was going to try a third time with a new type of coupler. He didn't have to ask me for help, I just said 'Give me a minute, I be right over..'. I slipped into work grubbies (this morning when we first tested my first repair it failed instantly and I got soaked, so I prepared for that possibility again, dressing lightly....not that at 112 degrees getting wet was going to be any real problem... :-)

Harold's job was going to be to toss me tools from the crawl space door... stuff like that. I crawled in the twenty feet to the repair site and got to work. I toss the failed part back toward the 'door' and call for a different tool. Harold sticks his head in under the house and says "Don't move, there's a rattler behind you".

Thus a drama begins. I am just out of striking range but Rattler has me cornered. He's coiled, ready to strike. It's not safe to crawl by him to the exit. I have nothing as a defense... no stick, no broom, nothing. As I have 'lived with rattlers before' (but that's 'another story'), I knew I had to let him calm down, so I backed away in the opposite direction. In a bit, his rattles stopped quivering and his head went down.

I talked to him (the rattler, like I have been talking to the birds that sing for me each morning). "This is going to all be ok", I said. Harold's point of view was he didn't want another rattler living under his house (this was not the first one) and went to get a shovel so 'I could kill it'. My knowing was that could be a dangerous thing to try to do in this tiny crawl space where I was lightly dressed and unable to move much. I told him "There has to be a better way... let me think a second"..., then, "Yes, pass me the shovel".

I told Harold I thought we could probably capture the rattler alive (done it before) and I would then take it out into the desert.... did he have a garbage can with a lid? Yes. Could he open the west access panel (that I could see would give me a safe way out)? Yes. Great, you do that. I'll finish this job. And Rattler, you just stay put a few minutes...

So I got the leak repaired in a couple more minutes, keeping an eye on Rattler, with the shovel laying between us just in case. But, as Harold was getting the west access panel opened up, Rattler decides he's outta here, and starts to head for 'deeper under', where I'd have no chance to capture him. I use shovel as a moveable fence, barricading his escape, trying to herd him outside. Absolutely not acceptable!! was his answer, along with some untranslatable swear and pissed off words, hisses, and rattles. Then, after striking at the shovel several times, he does a sudden '180', and bolts for the area near the regular entrance panel. I'm on him from behind, block his try for getting past the entrance with the shovel, and successfully force him outside.

As I quickly crawl outside myself, I see Rattlers tail going around the corner. Calling to Harold to bring the trash can, I realize Rattle is smart, and is looking for a hole to go back under the house through. I stop that with the edge of my shovel, holding him pinned (but not so as to injure him). His upper body is entwined in a lattice, his midsection is pinned by my shovel, and his quivering tail is beckoning for my bare hand to grab it, and pull him out of the lattice. I tell Harold to put the trash can on its side, open top toward me, and to step back. At 84, he's smart from a long life, and doesn't argue :-).

The touch of a live rattler in my bare hand is hard to describe. There's places where I felt his traction grippers trying to launch off me, and there's a smoother area out past that closer to the rattles. And most magical, there is incredible wildness alive in my hand....

I slowly pull the withering, lungeing body out of the lattice, sliding my shovel up closer to the head as it came out. Suddenly Rattler stops resisting, very quickly backs out of the lattice AND under my shovel, and I drop his tail and jump back. He's good he is!! He dives for cover again, this time some bushes next to the property-dividing chicken wire fence. We both take a breather for a minute or two. Then I hop the fence to be on the grass of the neighbors lawn, see that Rattler is partially exposed, set up the trash can, pin the midsection with the shovel flat again, grab the tail, pull him out of the bushes, drop him in front of the trash can, and sweep him into it with the shovel. Capture is completed by uprighting the trash can and covering it with its lid.

Epilogue: I release Rattler several miles out into the nearby desert, in the shade of a large palo verde tree in an arroyo. "What was all that about?" it seemed I heard him say as he lay looking at me for a minute before beginning to explore. "Nothing personal," I said back telepathically. "But this is where you belong much more. Out here, you can live free and be beautiful. Back there, somebody would for sure kill you out of fear...". "But not you?". "No, today, not me... not that it's 'the truth', but you might say 'a fly sacrificed itself that you might live'..."

Thus did I live my day today, gratefully without killing again.




The Lesson

Lesson 182

I will be still an instant and go home.

This world you seem to live in is not home to you. And somewhere in your mind you know that this is true. A memory of home keeps haunting you, as if there were a place that called you to return, although you do not recognize the voice, nor what it is the voice reminds you of. Yet still you feel an alien here, from somewhere all unknown. Nothing so definite that you could say with certainty you are an exile here. Just a persistent feeling, sometimes not more than a tiny throb, at other times hardly remembered, actively dismissed, but surely to return to mind again.

No one but knows whereof we speak. Yet some try to put by their suffering in games they play to occupy their time, and keep their sadness from them. Others will deny that they are sad, and do not recognize their tears at all. Still others will maintain that what we speak of is illusion, not to be considered more than but a dream. Yet who, in simple honesty, without defensiveness and self-deception, would deny he understands the words we speak?

We speak today for everyone who walks this world, for he is not at home. He goes uncertainly about in endless search, seeking in darkness what he cannot find; not recognizing what it is he seeks. A thousand homes he makes, yet none contents his restless mind. He does not understand he builds in vain. The home he seeks can not be made by him. There is no substitute for Heaven. All he ever made was hell.

Perhaps you think it is your childhood home that you would find again. The childhood of your body, and its place of shelter, are a memory now so distorted that you merely hold a picture of a past that never happened. Yet there is a Child in you Who seeks His Father's house, and knows that He is alien here. This childhood is eternal, with an innocence that will endure forever. Where this Child shall go is holy ground. It is His Holiness that lights up Heaven, and that brings to earth the pure reflection of the light above, wherein are earth and Heaven joined as one.

It is this Child in you your Father knows as His Own Son. It is this Child Who knows His Father. He desires to go home so deeply, so unceasingly, His voice cries unto you to let Him rest a while. He does not ask for more than just a few instants of respite; just an interval in which He can return to breathe again the holy air that fills His Father's house. You are His home as well. He will return. But give Him just a little time to be Himself, within the peace that is His home, resting in silence and in peace and love.

This Child needs your protection. He is far from home. He is so little that He seems so easily shut out, His tiny voice so readily obscured, His call for help almost unheard amid the grating sounds and harsh and rasping noises of the world. Yet does He know that in you still abides His sure protection. You will fail Him not. He will go home, and you along with Him.

This Child is your defenselessness; your strength. He trusts in you. He came because He knew you would not fail. He whispers of His home unceasingly to you. For He would bring you back with Him, that He Himself might stay, and not return again where He does not belong, and where He lives an outcast in a world of alien thoughts. His patience has no limits. He will wait until you hear His gentle Voice within you, calling you to let Him go in peace, along with you, to where He is at home and you with Him.

When you are still an instant, when the world recedes from you, when valueless ideas cease to have value in your restless mind, then will you hear His Voice. So poignantly He calls to you that you will not resist Him longer. In that instant He will take you to His home, and you will stay with Him in perfect stillness, silent and at peace, beyond all words, untouched by fear and doubt, sublimely certain that you are at home.

Rest with Him frequently today. For He was willing to become a little Child that you might learn of Him how strong is he who comes without defenses, offering only love's messages to those who think he is their enemy. He holds the might of Heaven in His hand and calls them friend, and gives His strength to them, that they may see He would be Friend to them. He asks that they protect Him, for His home is far away, and He will not return to it alone.

Christ is reborn as but a little Child each time a wanderer would leave his home. For he must learn that what he would protect is but this Child, Who comes defenseless and Who is protected by defenselessness. Go home with Him from time to time today. You are as much an alien here as He.

Take time today to lay aside your shield which profits nothing, and lay down the spear and sword you raised against an enemy without existence. Christ has called you friend and brother. He has even come to ask your help in letting Him go home today, completed and completely. He has come as does a little child, who must beseech his father for protection and for love. He rules the universe, and yet He asks unceasingly that you return with Him, and take illusions as your gods no more.

You have not lost your innocence. It is for this you yearn. This is your heart's desire. This is the voice you hear, and this the call which cannot be denied. The holy Child remains with you. His home is yours. Today He gives you His defenselessness, and you accept it in exchange for all the toys of battle you have made. And now the way is open, and the journey has an end in sight at last. Be still an instant and go home with Him, and be at peace a while.


My partnership request.... Please consider yourself an important gateway this message is passing through on it's way to others. Please do 'send it on'. Thank you.


Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

To subscribe, simply click on the code below to open the subscribe window.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 181

©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I trust my brothers, who are one with me.

My miracle today was a simple 'yes, that would be no problem'... in answer to a question I had been avoiding asking....

I love to build compost piles and make soil for gardening from all the remains of my vegetable/fruit based raw diet. Of course, every time I dump a bucket of compost on the pile, I also have to cover it with organic matter (like leaves or straw) and then water it so that it will biodegrade.

I'd just used up all my 'cover material stockpile', and I knew the closest place for me to salvage more old broken bales of straw (which here in the desert are often used to stop wind-blown sand) would be from a pile I'd seen out behind the nearby Methodist church that my parents belong to, and which I am known at ----but which I don't attend---- feeling more at home spiritually at a local 'new age/new thought' group. I'd been invited, of course, to step into my Dad's shoes when I arrived (what with my Dad being a retired Methodist preacher himself), and I had 'explained' that I was ordained in a different faith to a few of my family's friends, and the pastor... They didn't say much after that....

Because of these 'complications' I felt 'a little funny' about asking a church that I didn't attend for permission to salvage hay bales from their 'bonfire pile', and I had continued scouting and had found a couple other similar piles out in the desert (probably made by handymen or landscapers etc. dumping clandestinely to avoid paying landfill fees). I left the house this afternoon with my pitchfork and tarp, planning on heading into the desert and returning with a full load from such a pile. God told me to drive such and such a way, which I did without resistance. Then, once on the way, He says "Go to the Methodist Church".

"Come on, God, I'm totally grubby, they already think I'm strange, and they're going to think I am really weird, asking for their old straw...". "Go to the Methodist Church," God repeated. I pout a little inside, but it is true that I am going to drive by it in a couple of minutes.... Then I think, maybe God knows that nobody's there.... Then I wouldn't have to talk to anybody... I could just 'borrow' a bit more (like I must admit I had done once quite a while back, my Dad saying to me he was sure it was OK). I could see it in my minds eye... no cars in the lot, the pile of broken straw bales out back that they are going to burn anyway someday... yeah, it would only take a couple of minutes.... is that the deal, God? HIs answer, as I was slowing down to turn into the lot, was.... to have the pastor I was avoiding arrive from the other direction and turn into the lot ahead of me.

It was a clear enough message.... Jig's up. Talk to the man. OK, OK. I will.

So as Pastor Neil emerges from his air conditioned car into the 107 degree heat, I drive up beside him, windows wide open, in my sweaty tank top and and shorts. He looks at me and smiles, and I smile back, realizing I like the guy, his shaved head reminding me of a Zen monk more than a Methodist preacher....

How are you? he asks... Very well, how are you? Good, Good. Just got back from Annual Conference.... he looks at me on pause for a second. I look back. "Say, could I salvage some of those broken bales off your bonfire pile? I could use them in my compost pile..."

He thinks for a nano second...."Yes, absolutely. That would be no problem." "I thank you so very much". "You're very welcome." I see he's getting hot. I nod, meaning 'you'd better get inside'. He nods back, meaning 'go get what you need'.... which I do. But now, with permission, which means 'I belong'.

And with a newly present connection to a brother I had judged, because, I had thought he had judged me.

So what's the lesson? Maybe, just to recognize that God owns both of us.



PS. A Special Announcement.... I received an email today from Neelam, a beloved teacher of the Advaita lineage (which is, like the Course, a pure non-dual teaching). I am guided to pass on the you that she will be offering a free 90 minute introductory satsang BY PHONE tonight (June 30th) from 6 to 7:30 pm Mountain time. Simply dial 218- 844-0850 and enter access code 222907#. If you wish to 'check her out online', her URL is I do absolutely recommend her, if you are at all interested.


Now, our Lesson for today....

Lesson 181

Introduction to Lessons 181-200

Our next few lessons make a special point of firming up your willingness to make your weak commitment strong; your scattered goals blend into one intent. You are not asked for total dedication all the time as yet. But you are asked to practice now in order to attain the sense of peace such unified commitment will bestow, if only intermittently. It is experiencing this that makes it sure that you will give your total willingness to following the way the course sets forth.

Our lessons now are geared specifically to widening horizons, and direct approaches to the special blocks that keep your vision narrow, and too limited to let you see the value of our goal. We are attempting now to lift these blocks, however briefly. Words alone can not convey the sense of liberation which their lifting brings. But the experience of freedom and of peace that comes as you give up your tight control of what you see speaks for itself. Your motivation will be so intensified that words become of little consequence. You will be sure of what you want, and what is valueless.

And so we start our journey beyond words by concentrating first on what impedes your progress still. Experience of what exists beyond defensiveness remains beyond achievement while it is denied. It may be there, but you cannot accept its presence. So we now attempt to go past all defenses for a little while each day. No more than this is asked, because no more than this is needed. It will be enough to guarantee the rest will come.

Lesson 181

I trust my brothers, who are one with me.

Trusting your brothers is essential to establishing and holding up your faith in your ability to transcend doubt and lack of sure conviction in yourself. When you attack a brother, you proclaim that he is limited by what you have perceived in him. You do not look beyond his errors. Rather, they are magnified, becoming blocks to your awareness of the Self that lies beyond your own mistakes, and past his seeming sins as well as yours.

Perception has a focus. It is this that gives consistency to what you see. Change but this focus, and what you behold will change accordingly. Your vision now will shift, to give support to the intent which has replaced the one you held before. Remove your focus on your brother's sins, and you experience the peace that comes from faith in sinlessness. This faith receives its only sure support from what you see in others past their sins. For their mistakes, if focused on, are witnesses to sins in you. And you will not transcend their sight and see the sinlessness that lies beyond.

Therefore, in practicing today, we first let all such little focuses give way to our great need to let our sinlessness become apparent. We instruct our minds that it is this we seek, and only this, for just a little while. We do not care about our future goals. And what we saw an instant previous has no concern for us within this interval of time wherein we practice changing our intent. We seek for innocence and nothing else. We seek for it with no concern but now.

A major hazard to success has been involvement with your past and future goals. You have been quite preoccupied with how extremely different the goals this course is advocating are from those you held before. And you have also been dismayed by the depressing and restricting thought that, even if you should succeed, you will inevitably lose your way again.

How could this matter? For the past is gone; the future but imagined. These concerns are but defenses against present change of focus in perception. Nothing more. We lay these pointless limitations by a little while. We do not look to past beliefs, and what we will believe will not intrude upon us now. We enter in the time of practicing with one intent; to look upon the sinlessness within.

We recognize that we have lost this goal if anger blocks our way in any form. And if a brother's sins occur to us, our narrowed focus will restrict our sight, and turn our eyes upon our own mistakes, which we will magnify and call our "sins." So, for a little while, without regard to past or future, should such blocks arise we will transcend them with instructions to our minds to change their focus, as we say:

It is not this that I would look upon.
I trust my brothers, who are one with me.

And we will also use this thought to keep us safe throughout the day. We do not seek for long-range goals. As each obstruction seems to block the vision of our sinlessness, we seek but for surcease an instant from the misery the focus upon sin will bring, and uncorrected will remain.

Nor do we ask for fantasies. For what we seek to look upon is really there. And as our focus goes beyond mistakes, we will behold a wholly sinless world. When seeing this is all we want to see, when this is all we seek for in the name of true perception, are the eyes of Christ inevitably ours. And the Love He feels for us becomes our own as well. This will become the only thing we see reflected in the world and in ourselves.

The world which once proclaimed our sins becomes the proof that we are sinless. And our love for everyone we look upon attests to our remembrance of the holy Self which knows no sin, and never could conceive of anything without Its sinlessness. We seek for this remembrance as we turn our minds to practicing today. We look neither ahead nor backwards. We look straight into the present. And we give our trust to the experience we ask for now. Our sinlessness is but the Will of God. This instant is our willing one with His.


My partnership request.... Please consider yourself an important gateway this message is passing through on it's way to others. Please do 'send it on'. Thank you.


Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

To subscribe, simply click on the code below to open the subscribe window.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 180

©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Today we complete the first six months of this Course. Do you remember 'where you were at' when you joined up? Can you sense your spiritual growth? I am sure you answer 'Yes'. Therefore, this is a moment to acknowledge our Selves for our willingness to keep being willing. For it is not skipping the small steps and minute details that builds the strongest foundation. Our purpose is simply to build a true foundation and a fully trustable beingness. Sometimes it may seem like we are not even moving at all, but that is not true, for that is impossible. So much progress is accomplished that we are not aware of and do not need to be aware of, out of the permission we have given from our hearts to allow God to heal us. Once sincerely invited, God does not miss a teaching or healing moment. You know this, and I know this, because we are now awake and aware of the presence of God working in and guiding our lives. Perhaps you still fear a little the loss of your freedom? You know already that will pass too. You know your happiness fills you with God. And this is the true mission of a teacher of God.... to be filled with God's Happiness and Joy, that it bless this world.

Nothing else is required.




The Original Lesson....

Lesson 180

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(169) By grace I live. By grace I am released.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(170) There is no cruelty in God and none in me.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 179

©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Seeing into the future is not the same as 'planning'. It is more like letting love show what could be, and then acting in ways consist with that vision...

Clearly (for me) this knowing arises 'right on time'. As I share my life with God more and more completely, I recognize I am less blind (in ways that I recognize I was blind before). For instance, today I attended a church where a teenaged boy played the piano for the hymns for the first time. He was very inexperienced and made a lot of mistakes, BUT, he did not quit, or even look flustered. I got 'he knew he belonged', and the group was universally accepting of his effort. Somewhere inside me fast-forwarded a decade and saw him then.... saw that he had become a completely accomplished piano player of great skill. So that was the way I voted, vibrationally, joining in with the rest of the group in supporting him in his musical infancy, that he could then become who I saw he knew he was.

We all start somewhere. On this spiritual journey we experience breakthroughs and seeming breakdowns, successes and seeming failures, fullness and seeming emptiness, sanity and seeming insanity. And we are blessed through it all, for we are not alone, whatever the appearance.

We choose assignments to 'learning teams' and are given curriculums within our ability to master. Our greatest challenge and most important success through it all is the quieting of our mind.... disconnecting it from our assessments and judgements, especially of ourselves, and allowing it to expend it's egoic energy against nothing that resists. Thus do we learn how to learn, and by trusting ourselves, to trust our God completely.




The Original Lesson

Lesson 179

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(167) There is one life, and that I share with God.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(168) Your grace is given me. I claim it now.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 178

©2010 Rev. David Seacord

New territory. Today I finally got 'I am owned'. All my life my ego has told me I am a 'free man', and I have lived that 'to the max'. But today, I saw it was, and always has been, a lie. I have, and have always had, an owner. Not only do I have an owner, but today I even saw I am not ever really happy doing 'my thing, by my own will'. I recognized 'doing the will of my owner' is where I find my truest happiness and deepest peace.

It was 'the questions' that led me to this. Because, 'What am I willing to be responsible for?' led me directly to "Well, how do I be responsible for ______?". (Big 'blanks', like: Having a life... having talents... my parents. Or little blanks, like: What do I do about that show I have to decide about? etc). Anyway, asking opened me, and started me 'emptying'. And receiving answers. And somewhere in the dialogue I realized that I do not have an independent life anymore, that I am 'happily owned'. And guided (I could say 'coached'), as much as I will listen. I have the appearance of being an 'individual', but it is only an appearance. I am really a 'team', voluntarily cooperative with my owner. And I'm appearing here for a few years, assigned by my owner to make 'a few deliveries to the world'. That's the game He's got me playing.... just inserting a few upgrading amendments to the currently 'dated' owners manual, because it seems some of the instructions aren't being clearly understood these days.

It's the normal thing that happens here in 3D. Language changes, gets further developed (or devolves), time passes, and the old manuals don't make sense to those thinking in the current language usage. No big deal, it's still just a bit part (not the ego's 'starring role' fantasy). And the thing is, what fun!!!

Just think... God's Love is the kiss of life....




Lesson 178

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(165) Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(166) I am entrusted with the gifts of God.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 177

©2010 Rev. David Seacord

One measure of mastery is recovery from breakdown. That measure I practice now.

Yesterday's 'commentary' was a breakdown for me, as I failed to be responsible for managing my time and commitments (which were albeit considerable yesterday, involving travel and participation in several public events) and thus ended up attempting to produce a Commentary by 'forcing the river to flood in the dry season', i.e., while struggling to stay wake in the wee hours of the morning in the Phoenix apartment where I was an overnight guest, while under the click-tocking clock pressure of maintaining my normal 5 AM eastern email delivery time. After producing incoherence for more than an hour, I admitted defeat as graciously as I could (posting what you received), and fell asleep on my camping pad on the living room floor. After a few hours sleep, I rose early for the 200 mile drive home, and the parental commitments waiting for me there.

As I am sure it is for many people, driving is a kind of meditation for me, and my 'conversation with God' was a quiet one. I listened intently, as I have been for several days, asking for clarity around the new visions I have been receiving about re-launching The Love Declaration.

What I am hearing is admittedly very challenging for the 'I' that would have liked very much to be a simple wandering indigenous hermit/sadhu/painter, with 'no responsibilities in this world' (after my parents do not need me). In fact, it is to the exact opposite future that I am being led now. And everything is tied to the question "What am I willing to be responsible for?". It is a very powerful question, for how I answer it does define who I am willing to be for the world in this life. (In other words, while it does not change who I AM, it does alter powerfully how I am being who I AM.)

For instance, I have been willing to be responsible for creating this Commentary, to it's current level. And I have been willing to be responsible for recognizing it was I that was 'assigned' to come to Yuma and be with my parents at this time in their lives. Accepting both of these assignments required many changes in my life, and I have grown as a result. But they are both on a personal scale. And that is the level that I had (prior to attending the powerful Landmark course which ended last night) planned to relaunch The Love Declaration on. A personal ministry of a personal stand, most likely from a nomadic base, capable of contribution, yes, but 'perhaps insufficient' to the original vision of The Love Declaration being 'a new covenant for humanity'.

Now, having allowing myself to be guided to a breakthrough in 'getting over myself', all the incoming visions are group or team based and NOT solo, and I eventually see structures like a physical office(s), organized tours, seminars, perhaps even 'campaigns' being both needed and involved. It will be a big undertaking, and will not be accomplished by anyone alone, but rather by many thousands of clear beings. I recognize I am one man with a particular vision, and clearly see that for The Love Declaration to become 'the stand' and 'the standard' of our human to human (and human to non-human) relatedness will require both me and many others being willing to be and speak this possibility successfully to millions and millions of people around the world.

Even for you who have been reading these Commentaries and studying A Course In Miracles this vision may be difficult to contemplate as a real possibility. I can get that, and be responsible for that being so now. I ask for your patience as I work to language a clearer vision. I ask for you to pray or meditate to assist me in this also. Don't worry, it will take time, as all things done in the world do. But, if Love can find it's way to healing fear in anyone through inviting another to stand upon it's Absolute Reality, it is a work of God. Therefore, please consider giving me your input (and joining me).



Below, for your information, is written material designed to be on a Love Declaration 'greetings card'. It was written months ago (in November, when I thought I was about to re-launch this as a personal ministry). There were I.T. problems (which still are being addressed) with re-working my art website to fit this into it that delayed me. Then, on 1/1/10, I 'had the idea' to redo A Course in Miracles.... suddenly, I am writing a daily commentary etc,.....that brings us to the now...

As you can see, everything comes together in God's timing.... :-)


front of the card


A Covenant

I am your partner

in awakening

from fear.

From this moment on,

at all times,

under all conditions,

I Declare

I will be,

for All Beings,

A Conscious Source

of Absolute Love;

and I promise,

I will serve only

this Love,

in you,

in me,

and in All,

no matter what,

for the rest of my life.


back of the card

The Love Declaration Mission Statement

The Love Declaration is an initiatory portal through which no being

may authentically pass except all illusions of self be set aside. It is

a planetary transformation covenant whose only purpose is to be a

bridge to our conscious unity. It is also a personal answer to all

raison d'être questions. It is a powerful, crystalline, pure, and

unambiguous thought-form, and is intended to be freely shared

across humanity, moving as a gift from heart to heart as timed and

guided by the Good That Is. Its mission is to inspire unifying miracles

by rigorously voicing without exceptions, backdoors, loopholes, or

exits of any kind, a fundamentally true knowing living within every

created sentient being. Regardless of any failure to actually BE it

moment to moment, The Love Declaration stands for knowing

ourselves as our Word in exactly the same way that life's Creator

knows itself as its Word. This Declaration, by going beyond the

present tense to the future-promissory (I am becoming I will be)

languages for the benefit of our conscious awareness the active

voice of our universal relatedness. It is a tool providing the limitless

non-comparative reality of Absolute Love a trustable anchoring

Presence for our heart and mind. Beyond suggesting memorization,

and that it be a public, shared, and communion-generating habit,

The Love Declaration comes without instructions, as individual

guidance regarding its use is available within every being for the

sincere asking, whatever our cultural backgrounds, faith

persuasions, or other life-contextulizing paradigms.

Thank You for recognizing that your life, and the contributive way

you live it, is a blessing absolutely essential to the Wholeness of

Life. There is only One of us here. Welcome to the Communion.

Credits: As literature, The Love Declaration and The Love Declaration Mission Statement

are ©1986/2009 Rev. David Seacord. Subject to international copyright law, permission

for non-commercial use, reproduction, and private distribution of this document of from 1

to 500 copies per being per annum is freely granted, provided text, mission statement and

credits are unaltered and reproduced in their entirety.

(the following sentence is not yet true)

For that purpose, a free PDF of this

document is downloadable from, the authors website,

(and I am investigating building a separate website)

which also

provides additional Love Declaration commentary and other information.

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 176

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

My experience for the last hour is that words are not appearing as they normally do. As I have nothing pre-written to insert, I simply invite you to remember with me that there are no accidents, nothing is missing, and nothing is wrong. Enjoy the lesson.



Lesson 176

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(161) Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(162) I am as God created me.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.