Saturday, April 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 100

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


My part is essential to God's plan for salvation.





One of the reasons my commentaries have been shorter of late is that a lot of my writing energy is now being put into the 'First Person' editing.  I am loving doing this, as it is similar to looking at something familiar through a microscope, and then discovering the amazing world I have been being blind to.   


So it is always with 'the journey of ongoing spiritual realization'.  To quote Gangaji, 'The revelation is endless'.  


'Editing' the lesson, I am experiencing, is like being an actor making a famous script 'his own'.  There are thousands of subtle inflectional tones available to the voice to indicate emphasis and meaning.  It is a bit more limited in writing, and yet, it is just 'as creative' to 'attempt the impossible' in a 'limited domain' as anywhere else.  It is 'the attempt' which is noble, and which grows the spirit, and spiritual power, especially where I take on re-languaging a 'difficult' phrase. That truly grows my 'guidance radar'. 


Anyway, I am receiving a lot from 'the effort' (but it is not 'an effort'.... it is 'a being carried'), and I invite you to try on the 'first person with edits' experience (if you haven't).  I continue to suggest reading it aloud, and also using the dramatic inflectional tools, even imagining you were delivering it to an audience with conviction.  See if that delivers the lesson to you 'newly'.  For that is the whole point--- to break out of any habitual view and to 'see differently'.  And, it's just another part of my journey with the Course this year that I am sharing, (which is happening 'organically', without preplanning, as I am inspired).  


And also of course, such like the lesson speaks of today, the reason I am following these inspirations is simply that they make me happy.  And that makes me a lit up 'teacher of God'.  Amazing it is, yes.  Just being happy gives me 'the best possible view'.  That is certainly something to remember.







First Person/ Edited Version
Italics = change of word or new words added. 
Bold, Underline = added emphasis.


Lesson 100

My part is essential to God's plan for salvation.

Just as God's Son completes his Father, so my 'part in it' (being that I am God's Son too) completes my Father's plan alsoMy salvation must (and will)reverse my mad belief in separate thoughts and separate bodies, (which lead separate lives and go their separate ways). This one function 'shared by separate minds' unites all of us in one mighty purpose, for which each one ofus is equally essential to all of us.

God's Will for me is perfect happiness. Why would I choose then, to goagainst His Will? The part that He has saved for me to take (in working out His plan) is being given me that I might (and shall and will) be restored tothe perfect happiness He wills for me. My individual part is as essential to His plan as it is to my happiness. My (personal yet impersonal) joy must be complete in order to 'let His plan be understood' by those to whom He issending me. They will see their own function in my shining face, and they will hear God calling to them in my happy laugh.

I AM indeed essential to God's plan. Without my joy, His joy is incomplete. Without my smile, the world cannot be saved. While I am sad, the light that God Himself appointed as the means to save the world is dim and lusterless, and no one laughs because all laughter can but echo mine.

I AM indeed essential to God's plan. Just as my light increases every light that shines in Heaven, so my joy on earth calls to all minds to let their sorrows go, and take their place beside me in God's plan. God's messengers are joyous, and their joy heals sorrow and despair. I AM the proof that God wills perfect happiness for all who will accept our Father's gifts as theirs.

Therefore, I resolve I will not chose 'being sad' today. For if I do, I fail to 'take the part' that is essential to God's plan, as well as to my own clearvision. I will recognize sadness as 'the sign' that I have chosen to play 'another part', instead of what has been assigned to me by God. Thus do Ifail to show the world how great the happiness He wills for me IS. And in sodoing..... I do not recognize that IT IS mine (There is no guilt being laid here... it is just a simple fact--- not choosing JOY is equal to 'losing the connection'. We all know this from our own experience.)

Today I will authentically attempt to understand joy is my function here. If Iam sad, my part is unfulfilled, and all the world is thus deprived of joy, along with me. God asks me to be happy, so the world can see how much He loves His Son, and, God wills that no sorrow rises to abate my joy; and no fear besets me to disturb my peace. I AM God's messenger today. I bring His happiness to all I look upon; I bring His peace to everyone who looks on meand then sees His message in my happy face.

I will prepare myself for this (my wedding to my mission) today, in my five-minute practice periods, by feeling happiness arise in me according to myFather's Will and my will alsoI will begin the exercises with the thought today's idea contains. Then I will realize my part in God's Plan is to be happyOnly this is asked of me (or of anyone who chooses to take his place among God's messengers). Think what this means!!!! I have indeed been wrong in my belief that sacrifice is being asked forI 'but receive according to God's plan', and never to lose or to sacrifice or to die.

Now let me find this joy!!! This Joy that proves to me (and all the world) God's Will for me. It is my function that I find it here, and that I find itnow. For this I came. Let today be the day that I succeed! Looking deeplywithin my heartI will be undismayed by all the "little thoughts and foolish goals" I pass as I ascend to meet 'the Christ in me'.

He will be there. And I can reach Him now. What would I rather look upon 'in place of' Him Who waits that I may 'look on Him'? What little thought has power to hold me back? What foolish goal can keep me from success when He Who calls to me is my God Himself?

He will be there. I AM essential to His plan. I AM His messenger today. And Imust find what He would have me give. I will not forget the idea for today between my hourly practice periods. It is my Self Who calls to me today. And it is Him I answer, every time I tell myself I AM essential (vitally necessary) to God's plan for 'the salvation of the world'.


Commentary on ACIM Lesson 100

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


My part is essential to God's plan for salvation.





One of the reasons my commentaries have been shorter of late is that a lot of my writing energy is now being put into the 'First Person' editing.  I am loving doing this, as it is similar to looking at something familiar through a microscope, and then discovering the amazing world I have been being blind to.   


So it is always with 'the journey of ongoing spiritual realization'.  To quote Gangaji, 'The revelation is endless'.  


'Editing' the lesson, I am experiencing, is like being an actor making a famous script 'his own'.  There are thousands of subtle inflectional tones available to the voice to indicate emphasis and meaning.  It is a bit more limited in writing, and yet, it is just 'as creative' to 'attempt the impossible' in a 'limited domain' as anywhere else.  It is 'the attempt' which is noble, and which grows the spirit, and spiritual power, especially where I take on re-languaging a 'difficult' phrase. That truly grows my 'guidance radar'. 


Anyway, I am receiving a lot from 'the effort' (but it is not 'an effort'.... it is 'a being carried'), and I invite you to try on the 'first person with edits' experience (if you haven't).  I continue to suggest reading it aloud, and also using the dramatic inflectional tools, even imagining you were delivering it to an audience with conviction.  See if that delivers the lesson to you 'newly'.  For that is the whole point--- to break out of any habitual view and to 'see differently'.  And, it's just another part of my journey with the Course this year that I am sharing, (which is happening 'organically', without preplanning, as I am inspired).  


And also of course, such like the lesson speaks of today, the reason I am following these inspirations is simply that they make me happy.  And that makes me a lit up 'teacher of God'.  Amazing it is, yes.  Just being happy gives me 'the best possible view'.  That is certainly something to remember.







First Person/ Edited Version
Italics = change of word or new words added. 
Bold, Underline = added emphasis.


Lesson 100

My part is essential to God's plan for salvation.

Just as God's Son completes his Father, so my 'part in it' (being that I am God's Son too) completes my Father's plan alsoMy salvation must (and will)reverse my mad belief in separate thoughts and separate bodies, (which lead separate lives and go their separate ways). This one function 'shared by separate minds' unites all of us in one mighty purpose, for which each one ofus is equally essential to all of us.

God's Will for me is perfect happiness. Why would I choose then, to goagainst His Will? The part that He has saved for me to take (in working out His plan) is being given me that I might (and shall and will) be restored tothe perfect happiness He wills for me. My individual part is as essential to His plan as it is to my happiness. My (personal yet impersonal) joy must be complete in order to 'let His plan be understood' by those to whom He issending me. They will see their own function in my shining face, and they will hear God calling to them in my happy laugh.

I AM indeed essential to God's plan. Without my joy, His joy is incomplete. Without my smile, the world cannot be saved. While I am sad, the light that God Himself appointed as the means to save the world is dim and lusterless, and no one laughs because all laughter can but echo mine.

I AM indeed essential to God's plan. Just as my light increases every light that shines in Heaven, so my joy on earth calls to all minds to let their sorrows go, and take their place beside me in God's plan. God's messengers are joyous, and their joy heals sorrow and despair. I AM the proof that God wills perfect happiness for all who will accept our Father's gifts as theirs.

Therefore, I resolve I will not chose 'being sad' today. For if I do, I fail to 'take the part' that is essential to God's plan, as well as to my own clearvision. I will recognize sadness as 'the sign' that I have chosen to play 'another part', instead of what has been assigned to me by God. Thus do Ifail to show the world how great the happiness He wills for me IS. And in sodoing..... I do not recognize that IT IS mine (There is no guilt being laid here... it is just a simple fact--- not choosing JOY is equal to 'losing the connection'. We all know this from our own experience.)

Today I will authentically attempt to understand joy is my function here. If Iam sad, my part is unfulfilled, and all the world is thus deprived of joy, along with me. God asks me to be happy, so the world can see how much He loves His Son, and, God wills that no sorrow rises to abate my joy; and no fear besets me to disturb my peace. I AM God's messenger today. I bring His happiness to all I look upon; I bring His peace to everyone who looks on meand then sees His message in my happy face.

I will prepare myself for this (my wedding to my mission) today, in my five-minute practice periods, by feeling happiness arise in me according to myFather's Will and my will alsoI will begin the exercises with the thought today's idea contains. Then I will realize my part in God's Plan is to be happyOnly this is asked of me (or of anyone who chooses to take his place among God's messengers). Think what this means!!!! I have indeed been wrong in my belief that sacrifice is being asked forI 'but receive according to God's plan', and never to lose or to sacrifice or to die.

Now let me find this joy!!! This Joy that proves to me (and all the world) God's Will for me. It is my function that I find it here, and that I find itnow. For this I came. Let today be the day that I succeed! Looking deeplywithin my heartI will be undismayed by all the "little thoughts and foolish goals" I pass as I ascend to meet 'the Christ in me'.

He will be there. And I can reach Him now. What would I rather look upon 'in place of' Him Who waits that I may 'look on Him'? What little thought has power to hold me back? What foolish goal can keep me from success when He Who calls to me is my God Himself?

He will be there. I AM essential to His plan. I AM His messenger today. And Imust find what He would have me give. I will not forget the idea for today between my hourly practice periods. It is my Self Who calls to me today. And it is Him I answer, every time I tell myself I AM essential (vitally necessary) to God's plan for 'the salvation of the world'.


Friday, April 09, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 99

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


Salvation is my only function here.






Of course, the key word is 'only'.  And 'here' means 'in this phenomenal (illusionary) world..... the world of the unreal (or said another way: the changing, the impermanent).  The stunningly clarity of today's lesson makes it plain that EVERYTHING in this world that tells me I am 'alone' or 'a separate being' is a false projection of my mind, and will, if 'touched as real', inevitably lead to disappointment.  The whole purpose of this Course is to teach us (me) 'the way' of 'escaping' this disappointment (which is another word for 'unhappiness').  And the key to that is to see EVERYTHING 'differently'.  How?  I 'normally' see and feel and believe as real 'the experience of duality'.  Everything is comparative, either better or worse, richer or poorer, good or bad, all that.  The 'different seeing' (I affirm) I am learning is simply 'to see and be at-one-with' (or, 'have no resistance to') WHATEVER IS, OR IS NOT.   To live 'in this realization' is to 'know LOVE',  and the converse:  to live 'without this realization' is to 'know illusion'.  


The early lessons of this Course were practices in applying their ideas 'to everything', because 'one exception to truth makes it all a lie'.  This is why the Bible uses the phrase 'the straight and narrow' in reference to 'the path'.  It is not meant as (it has been interpreted and has often become) a judgement against the world, but as a call to see the world completely 'holistically'.  The Zen teaching 'to move among and intermingle, without distinction' captures (for me) the sense of freedom of 'non-resistance to life' I am experiencing as the spiritual 'bulls-eye' of enlightenment.  This means to 'find within' the freedom to accept the unthinkable.  Or do the unimaginable.  Or attempt the impossible.  Not as 'license', but as 'integrity'. 


Extrication from illusion is learnable.  That is why I write these Commentaries ---to encourage myself first, and then the reader, to DO the practice that facilitates 'the learning'.  Where to do this practicing?  Obviously, wherever I am and with whomever I am.  If there was 'a time out' possible from true spiritual practice, it would make it spiritually untrue.  But, if I find myself 'wishing for a break', I am already missing the mark, by 'efforting' the practice.  When my practice 'carries me, like a river to the sea', I am on target.  The river, you see, does not 'practice' going to the sea, it simply follows its true nature.  


Our 'true nature' is Love.  So is God's.  All we need do is remember this ALL 'the time'.  If that seems 'too much', just do it NOW (all the time).  That will be 'enough'.  








'First Person' (edited) Version

Lesson 99

Salvation is my only function here.

Salvation and forgiveness are the same. They both imply that something has gone wrong; something to be saved from, forgiven for; something amiss that needs corrective change; something apart or different from the Will of God. Thus do both terms imply a thing impossible but yet which has occurred, resulting in a state of conflict seen between what is and what could never be.

Truth and illusions both are equal now, for both have happened. The impossible becomes the thing I need forgiveness for, salvation from. Salvation now becomes the borderland between the truth and the illusion. It reflects the truth because it is the means by which I can escape illusions. Yet it is not yet the truth because it undoes what was never done.

How could there be a meeting place at all where earth and Heaven can be reconciled within a mind where both of them exist? The mind that sees illusions thinks them real. They have existence in that they are thoughts. And yet they are not real, because the mind that thinks these thoughts is separate from God.

What joins the 'separated mind and thoughts' with 'Mind and Thought' which are forever One? What plan could hold the truth inviolate, yet recognize the need illusions bring, and offer means by which they are undone without attack and with no touch of pain? What but a Thought of God could be this plan, by which the never done is overlooked, and sins forgotten which were never real?

The Holy Spirit holds this plan of God exactly as it was received of Him within the Mind of God and in my own. It is apart from time in that its Source is timeless. Yet it operates in time, because of my belief that time is real. Unshaken does the Holy Spirit look on what I see; on sin and pain and death, on grief and separation and on loss. Yet does He know one thing must still be true; God is still Love, and this ('not-love') is not His Will.

This is THE Thought that brings illusions to the truth, and sees them as appearances behind which is the changeless and the sure. This is the Thought that saves and that forgives, because it lays no faith in what is not created by the only Source it knows. This is the Thought whose function is to save by giving me its function as my own. Salvation is my function, with the One to Whom the plan was given. Now am I entrusted with this plan, along with Him. He has one answer to appearances; regardless of their form, their size, their depth or any attribute they seem to have:

Salvation is my only function here. 
God still is Love, and this ('not-love') is not His Will.

As I will yet work miracles, I choose to be sure I practice well the idea for today. I will perceive the strength in what I say, for these are the words in which my freedom lies. My Father loves me. All the world of pain is not His Will. Forgive myself the thought He wanted this for meNow let the Thought with which He has replaced all my mistakes enter the darkened places of my mind that thought the thoughts that never were His Will.

This part (of my mind) belongs to God, as does the rest. It does not think its solitary thoughts, and make them real by hiding them from Him. I will let in the light, and I will look upon no obstacle to what He wills for meI will openmy secrets to His kindly light, and see how bright this light IS that stillshines in me.

I will practice His Thought today, and let His light seek out and lighten up all darkened spots, and shine through them to join them to the rest. It is God's Will my mind be one with His. It is God's Will that He has but one Son. It is God's Will that His one Son is meI will think of these things in practicing today, and start the lesson that I learn today with this instruction in the way of truth:

Salvation is my only function here.
Salvation and forgiveness are the same.

Then I will turn to Him Who shares my function here, and let Him teach mewhat I need to learn to lay all fear aside, and know my Self as Love which has no opposite in me.

I will forgive all thoughts which would oppose the truth of my completion, unity and peace. I cannot lose the gifts my Father gave. I do not want to be another self. I have no function that is not of God. I will forgive myself the one (function) I think I made. Forgiveness and salvation are the same. I willforgive what I have made and thus know I am saved.

There is a special message for today which has the power to remove all forms of doubt and fear forever from my mind. If I am tempted to believe them true, I will remember that appearances can not withstand the truth these mighty words contain:

Salvation is my only function here.
God still is Love, and this ('not-love') is not His Will.

My only function tells me I am one. I will remind myself of this between the times I give five minutes to be shared with Him Who shares God's plan withme. Remind yourself:

Salvation is my only function here.

Thus do I lay forgiveness on my mind and let all fear be gently laid aside, that love may find its rightful place in me and show me that I am the Son of God.


Commentary on ACIM Lesson 98

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.





"Leave no room for doubt in your mind."  It was one of the 'Five Commandments' of my first 'Sat-guru' (Perfect Master), after I was initiated and 'Received Knowledge' as a young yogi in my early twenties.  And, it is as true today as then, whether presented by a Hindu guru, a Sufi Murshid, a Landmark Forum leader, this Voice for God referred to as 'A Course in Miracles', or Bob Marley.  Any time we are 'awake', we hear the message coming through everything that is, for nothing can be without containing it.  It is in the silence, it is in the noise.  It is in the faraway, it is near.  It is in the ordinary, it is in the special.  It is in the birth, and it is in the death.  What is it?  It is the infinite Love of God.  


If your 'cup' is empty, it is your answer.  It cannot deny to answer, if you will but ask.  It has no price but your open heart.  It gives you everything. 


This I teach, that I may also learn.  







Edited to 'first person singular'.  


Lesson 98

I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

Today is a day of special dedication. I take a stand on but one side today. Iside with truth and let illusions go. I will not vacillate between 'the two' (the duality), but take a firm position with the One. I dedicate myself to truth today, and to salvation as God planned it beI will not argue it is something else. I will not seek for it where it is not. In gladness I accept it as it is, and take the part assigned to me by God.

How happy I am to be certain! All my doubts I lay aside today, and take mystand with certainty of purpose, and with thanks that doubt is gone and surety has come. I have a mighty purpose to fulfill, and have been given everything I need with which to 'reach the goal'. Not one mistake stands inmy way. For I have been absolved from errors. All my sins are washed awayby realizing they were but mistakes.

The guiltless have no fear, for they are safe and recognize their safety. They do not appeal to magic, nor invent escapes from fancied threats without reality. They rest in quiet certainty that they will do what it is given them to do. They do not doubt their own ability because they know their function will be filled completely in the perfect time and place. They took the stand whichI will take today, that I may share their certainty and thus increase it by accepting it myself.

They will be with me; all who took the stand I take today will gladly offer meall that they learned and every gain they made. Those still uncertain, too, will join with me, and, borrowing my certainty, will make it stronger still. While those as yet unborn will hear the call I have heard, and answer it when they have come to make their choice again. I do not choose but for myselftoday.

Is it not worth five minutes of my time each hour to be able to accept the happiness that God has given me? Is it not worth five minutes hourly to recognize my special function here? Is not five minutes but a small request to make in terms of gaining a reward so great it has no measure? I have made a thousand losing bargains at the least (in the past).

Here NOW is an offer guaranteeing me my full release from pain of every kind, and joy the world does not contain. I can exchange a little of my time for peace of mind and certainty of purpose, with the promise of complete success. And since time has no meaning, I am being asked for nothing in return for everything. Here is a bargain that I cannot lose. And what I gain is limitless indeed!

Each hour today I will give Him my tiny gift of but five minutes. He will giveme the words to use in practicing today's idea the deep conviction, and He will give me the certainty I lack. His words will join with mine, and make each repetition of today's idea a total dedication, made in faith as perfect and as sure as His in me. His confidence in me will bring the light to all the wordsI say, and I will go beyond their sound to what they really mean. Today I practice with Him, as I say:

I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

In each five minutes that I spend with Him, He will accept my words and give them back to me all bright with faith and confidence so strong and steady they will light the world with hope and gladness. I will not lose one chance to be the glad receiver of His gifts, that I may give them to the world today.

I will give Him the words, and He will do the rest. He will enable me to understand my special function. He will open up the way to my happiness, and peace and trust will be His gifts; His answer to my words. He will respond with all His faith and joy and certainty that what I say is true. And Iwill have conviction then of Him Who knows the function that I have on earth as well as Heaven. He will be with me each practice period I share with Him, exchanging every instant of the time I offer Him for timelessness and peace.

Throughout the hour, let my time be spent in happy preparation for the next five minutes I will spend again with Him. I will repeat today's idea while Iwait for the glad time to come to me again. I will repeat it often, and will not forget (that) each time I do so, I have let my mind be readied for the happy time to come.

And when the hour goes and He is there once more to spend a little time with meI will be thankful and lay down all earthly tasks, all little thoughts and limited ideas, and spend a happy time again with Him. I will tell Him once more that I accept the part that He would have me take and help mefill, and He will make me sure I chose this choice, which He has made withme and I with Him.



Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 97

©2010 Rev. David Seacord



I am spirit.




Today I discovered something that helped me.  It was a simple little thing that I have suggested in principle to you a couple of times recently--- to convert a practice to 'first person singular'.  Today I did the whole lesson that way, aloud, and slow.  It was like going klunk, breathe, klunk, breathe, klunk.  


What I noticed was it all went in deeper, that it 'got past' my ego better.  My whole day was lived more 'inside the Course'.  And I got 'spirit-instructed' to do it in these Commentaries.  So, beginning today, below my own writing will be two copies of the lesson [HOWEVER, IN THESE ARCHIVES, I AM PLACING ONLY THE REVISED VERSION].  First, my first person singular revised version, and then, the 'untouched' regular version.  If you wish to use my revised version, I suggest you try doing as I did, reading slowly, and aloud.  As it's an experiment, please let me know if it has helped you or not.  Nothing is set in stone...  it's all about helping us 'go deeper'.




My revisions are in italics.  Bold type and underlines indicate added emphasis.


Lesson 97

I am spirit.

Today's idea re-identifies me as completely unified with my actual Self.Today's idea accepts no split identity, nor does it try to weavenon-existent opposing factors into an impossible 'unity'. Today's ideasimply states the truth. I will practice this truth today as often as I am instructed, for I know it will bring my mind away from all conflict, andinto the quiet fields of perfect peace. There, no chill of fear can everenter, for my holy mind has been absolved from madness, by completelyletting go of all illusions of a split identity.

I will state again the truth about my One Self, the holy Son of God Who rests in meand whose mind has now been restored to sanity. I amspirit, lovingly endowed with all my Father's Love and peace and joy. I am the spirit which completes God Himself, and shareswith God His function as Creator. He IS God, He IS with mealways, as I AM also with Him.

Today I shall bring God's reality still closer to meeven into my mind. Each time I practice, God's unlimited awareness is brought a little nearerme (at the least); and sometimes a thousand years or more of learning time is saved. The minutes of practice which I give are multiplied over and over, for 'the miracle' makes use of time, but is not ruled by it. Salvation is a miracle, the first and the last; the first that IS the last, for it is one.

I am the spirit in whose mind abides the miracle in which all time stands still; the miracle in which a minute spent in using these ideas becomes a time that has no limit and that has no endI will give, then, these minutes willingly, and count on Him Who promised to lay Histimelessness beside them. He will offer all His strength to every little effort that I make. I will willingly give Him the minutes which He asks fortoday, in order to help me understand with Him that I am the spirit that abides in His Holy Spirit, and that calls through His Voice to every living thing; offering His sight to everyone who asks; and who replaces error with the simple everlasting truth.

God's Holy Spirit will gladly take five minutes of each hour from myhands, and carry them around this aching world where pain and miseryappear to rule. He will not overlook one open mind that will accept the healing gifts they bring, and He will lay them everywhere He knows they will be welcome. And they will increase in healing power each time someone accepts them as his own thoughts, and then uses them to heal.

Thus will each gift of my loving thought I give to Him be multiplied a thousandfold and tens of thousands of times more. And when it is returned to me, it will surpass in might the little gift I gave as much as does the radiance of the sun outshine the tiny gleam a firefly makes inan uncertain moment and which then goes out. The steady brilliance of this light remains with me and leads me out of my darkness, nor will Iever be able to forget the way back to Light again.

I will begin these happy exercises with the words God's Holy Spirit speaks to me, and let them echo around the world through Him:

Spirit am I, a holy Son of God, free of all limits, safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world.

Expressed through meGod's Holy Spirit will accept this gift that I havereceived of Him, then increase its power and give it back to meThus am I empowered to be God's miracle worker! Thus am I made whole!

Yes, I will offer each practice period today gladly to Him. And He will speak directly to me, reminding me that I am spirit, at-one-with Him and God, all my brothers, and my True Self. I will listen for His assurance every time I speak the words He offers me today, and I will let Him tellmy mind that HIS Words are true. I will use HIS Words against alltemptation, and thereby escape temptations sorry consequences (should I momentarily yield to the belief that I am something else than spirit).God's Holy Spirit gives me perfect peace today. I will receive His Words, and offer them back to Him.

Amen. (And so it IS.)





Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 96
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Salvation comes from my one Self.


In order to be Great
you don't have to be grand
for the wisdom of a being
is the vision in the man.

Illusions are the playthings
of those who live in time
but if you wish to live in Freedom
you'll just have to become Divine.

(Song Lyrics from: Illusions
©1979 Rev. David Seacord)


Simple Things to Remember (while in a body)
(when not in a body, none of this needs remembering, it just IS)...

1. It's all covered.

2. There's nothing to worry about.

3. This is a blessing only. Nothing bad can ever happen from a Blessing of God.

4. You are a Son of God, unlimited in peace and power.

5. You cannot see Reality with the body's eye's. Vision knows by knowing the Heart.

6. Breathe. Breathe God in, breathe God out.

7. Don't believe 'your mind', and 'Don't know who the other IS.'

8. Give your heart fearlessly. (Now is better than later.)

9. You, and your life, are surrounded by Absolute, Unconditional, Amazing, Eternal, Unending, Infinite, All-Knowing, All-Good-Bringing Love. It is present NOW.

10. It is always NOW.

11. In Reality, there are no accidents. Everything that happens is 'the Will of God'.

12. For the 'mind in the world", the supreme question is: "If God allows it, can I/you/we?"
(If we/you/I can... Peace.
If we/you/I can't..... we win 'another round of separation'.)


What do we practice for? Is there an answer on the level of the question? Perhaps all our practice is simply the dance of our heart opening to the kiss of God's Love.


Commentary on ACIM Lesson 95
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I am one Self, united with my Creator.


There are two themes that I have highlighted in the Lesson text, one in blue, one in red.

(Note: To view original email which includes Lesson text, click on this code: )

In blue is the Ego-Me's 'failure conversation', and Course reminders to remember that mistakes only call for correction. This really upsets egoic reality, for it short-circuits all the habitual shame/blame racket that the ego lives on energetically. It's an important distinction to have, and especially, to practice.

In red is our 'God-Self conversation of truth'. My recommendation is that, after studying the lesson, extra-credit good karma is available for reading just the red highlighted material several more times. This is a good practice in general, and produces the best upgraded re-install. Also, I suggest converting it all to first person singular as you read it (aloud? yes, a good idea).

It's a long and very hearty lesson, hence my 'balancing with briefness'. Stay tuned, I'll be back and longer-winded soon....



Sunday, April 04, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 94
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I am as God created me.


I have been recognizing I am 'being used'. By Spirit, of course. It has been using Ego-Me to write these Commentaries, knowing that will 'wake up' my God-Self-Me 'a whole lot'. But Ego-Me is experiencing it doesn't really really really want to really WAKE UP. Papaji said many times "If you touch it, it will bite you." The 'you' he was talking to is the Ego-Me 'you'. Ego-Me still (always) wants to touch, to have, to grasp for, to be special, to be loved by 'it's dream'. Really 'Waking Up' means letting/allowing all that to 'pass by' without touching/grasping for ANYTHING. This is sometimes a very hot fire to be in. Especially if you are being tested/tempted with 'the possibility of having' something you have dreamed of for 'your whole life' (like the perfect mate, perfect job, fame, success, etc).

A long time ago I read "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" (which was 'a good read'). There was one scene I remember, where Jesus was tempted by his perfect soul-mate. It was his 'final test' before his initiation as 'The Christ' (at the end of his training in the Egyptian Mystery Schools before 'going public'). It describes how he saw the choice.... to have 'heavenly' earthly love, or be heavenly love on earth. Obviously, this choice runs (or cuts) very deep. My Ego-Me definitely has a lifetime of wanting 'heavenly earthly love', and has a history of attempts that 'fell short' (I acknowledge 'due to my ego-judgements of what that would have to look like'...agggghhh-- painful memories...) (but remember the ego mantra: seek but do not find..????... that's the history it writes, at the price of using up our life).

NOW (Thank God), The God-Self-Me is choosing to AWAKEN. It is doing so by 'forgiving my past', which equals Being Present Now. (And, by saying Yes to writing as a Voice for God.) 'I am as God created me' is becoming (incrementally) more and more real, more and more my actual truth. And my ego is dying, and with it all its ego dreams (and of course, JUST when it ALMOST could have them..... iiiiiieeeeeeeeeyyaaaaaaaa!!!!! it cries!!!!!)

What to do? Where is 'choice' inside of 'no self-serving striving'?

Here is a 'key of understanding' as I have been shown. "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added unto thee." The key is in the 'God first', (then it's 'added unto thee' when it's right). This means in correct perception, 'nothing is forced' or demanded or 'spiritually manipulated' (which is the way of ego, and gets us into lots of trouble). God (often but not always) 'adds unto us' the very things our ego desires WHEN THEY NO LONGER MATTER (more than God). And also, it's not that there is 'no striving' (work to do), but there is no 'self-serving' striving (which is the way of the ego, and gets us into more lots of trouble). Remember the qualification of a teacher of God? ....(To see another's interest as not apart from his own)... Summed up, true non-attachment means it's always 'let Ego-Me go, let the God-Self-Me Know' time. When it is really 'in God's 'God first' timing', what is 'right' will be Given. Just TRUST THAT.

That is the choice of 'surrender'. To being awake. To letting it all come to you. To being 'saved'. (And they are 'all the same thing'.)

Therefore, 'the wise' surrender to 'being no one' (selfless), unseparated, complete, present 'now', and Self-Unified. That leaves me (and you) 'Resurrected'.... meaning BEING exactly as I actually am, which is exactly as God created me.



PS. If I had to chose a favorite lesson, this is mine. A suggestion: 'In God's time', take on doing this one lesson every day for a week, a month, even a year.... that's 'my plan' too. :-)