Commentary on ACIM Lesson 63
©2010 Rev. David Seacord
The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.
I digress from 'pure commentary', for the simple pleasure of telling a story.
Today I learned again something I already knew.....
My Mom called from 'the assisted living home' while I was painting this afternoon with a request that I pick up some medicine for my Father at a certain pharmacy at a certain time two hours hence. When I got there, there was a line, in which I pleasantly waited 'a good while'. At the counter however, Reality was not as 'I expected' it to be. After several phone calls, it appeared the prescription was found, BUT, I would need to wait 'about an hour' more, as 'there were other people in line ahead of me'. Rather than 'waste the hour', I was 'inventive', exploring nearby stores and stuff like that. When I returned to the pharmacy, there was another line, in which I waited 'a while' again. Oh, I forgot to mention, I had noticed I was being 'a little irritated' too, and had 'leaked' that ever so slightly and self-righteously, as only a 'very good holy man' can do, back when I'd found out I had to wait another hour. During the hour, I let go of that, forgiving myself for being human and forgetting I am a son of God.
Back in the line, I relaxed, knowing this time it would go smoothly. As I was getting close to the front, the counter person recognized me and took a moment to check and see what the status was. While that was happening, my out-of-the-box personality 'woke up', turned to the large man behind me, and said... "How'd you like to let me practice giving you a ten second palm reading? Show me your hand." After a few seconds of looking dumbstruck, he showed me his hand, and I rattled off a bunch of stuff I saw, ending with, "and you might like to know if you take a cap each of cayenne and kelp powder a day, it will probably help your circulation and you'll feel warmer in cold weather".
What was amazing was even though I was a stranger to him, suddenly we were in a 'relatedness'. And clearly, we both felt better for it. Affinity lets you know Love is nearby.
Back at the counter now, I was sent to the side window, where there were a few more problems, and a few more phone calls. Those 'in-progress' (and 'being on a roll') I quipped to the kindly-looking nearly-retired pharmacy manager who was doing paperwork on the counter in front of me, "So, this whole place is on your shoulders?" He answered, "Not mine. I gave that up a long time ago. I stressed like crazy when I was young, but no more. Now, I do what I can, and I don't sweat the rest." I responded, "I can see that. That's what your fingernails tell me too." (This is a palmistry reference again.) Suddenly, whoever I was to him shifted, and he was interested. Suddenly, the presence of relatedness.....
Two for two. Conversation again, affinity again.
I turn around, leaning against the side window counter, relaxing in 'my spot' now....(we're still waiting for a final phone call to come in etc) to see who is in the line now. Several matronly women, and a man pushing a stroller with a toddler in it. His wife arrives, and leaves with the stroller. I look at the father, open my mouth and hear it say "So who do you think he going to become?"
By this time I am clear I am in an active practice of publicly piercing with boldness the social etiquette of ignoring each other ( and our underlying relatedness). Boldness done well can be endearing, as, when spontaneous, there is always an authentic vulnerability inherent in it. (Dogs taught me that.)
Three for three. He's a younger guy, so not so quick to open, but we talk--- about his father, his own space for his son to be whoever he needs to be etc. I end up dropping a nice wisdom jewel (that you've probably heard at least a few times by now) in a real natural way: "Sow a thought, Reap an action; Sow an action, Reap a habit; Sow a habit, Reap a character; Sow a character, Reap a destiny." (With the thought that the child would probably think 'as he modeled'.) It landed on him OK, and that was that.
But, remember the 'matronly women'? (in the line in front of him?) They'd overheard the whole conversation, and they LIGHT UP. The most lit one said "Would you repeat that?" I did, and twice more. "Oh, I just have to write that down! Oh, where's my pen? (She's next...) Oh, you go ahead of me dear, I have to write this down. (I ask the window could we borrow a pen, and receive one). She pushes herself OUT of the line... over to the side. I speak it all again, in pace with her writing/ crossing out/ writing again.... When she's done, she's just begun. She shares her life, quickly, how it had all been connected, first failed 17 year marriage leading to second happy 32 year marriage (which wouldn't have been possible without having gone through the first failed marriage etc).... She bubbles with her self-reconnectedness. And then, to help me learn deeper patience, and the difference between what is valuable and what is a worthless illusion (and probably more that I haven't yet recognized), she pushes her cart happily back to the end of the line.
Like I said, today I learned again something I already knew. And of course, I also knew as I walked out of the store, what I would be writing about right now.
Prasad said: "Just don't know. Then you will see."
Namaste, (which means to me today: God Makes No Mistakes :-)
PS.... The counter-person I had leaked irritation on.... I cleaned that up too, rebuilt affinity, and left him smiling. That's the work. Make a mess, clean it up.