Friday, March 05, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 65
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My only function is the one God gave me.

As I read through the lesson for today, I shifted it to 'first person'. (for example: 'my' commitment, reminds 'me' that 'I' have, etc). It was a very helpful and enlightening experiment, as I felt more 'one with Source' immediately, and that assisted in receiving the Course wisdom 'as from mySelf', which it is.

Resistance is a subtle thing. Yet it is a sure signal that we have stopped, that we are temporarily not willing to be willing to learn God's lesson of the moment. I learned yesterday that I am not alone in struggling with my ego's resistance to my authentic Self 'taking its rightful place among the saviors of the world'. My correspondence contained confirmation that others in our circle are sharing this experience also. My Voice for God speaks to me that 'this is normal', and to have no fear.

Perhaps the image of 'hatching' is an appropriate analogy.... that we are all 'in the same nest' and that we are all at this point busy 'pecking' (from the inside) at the confining limitations of our ego eggshells. Or, maybe we have already hatched (as we have been on this journey a while, I'd say), and are each struggling to fly... that might fit even better. In any case, what is necessary to shift or to transform the condition is 'total commitment'. That 'first flight' is a 'total commitment' experience... we are called to it by a 'knowing that we can', but without any experience of it personally. Only faith in the possibility exists BECAUSE IT HAD BEEN DEMONSTRATED (by others of our kind as they flew past our life in the nest, so to speak). So now we are called to literally 'take a leap of faith', and fly. This obviously entails releasing all our previously known limits, and (upon success) gives instant access to the ecstatic. Again, nothing to be feared :-).

What the ego wishes us to do is 'settle'. For limits. For 'safety'. For security. For comfort. For 'being human'. And for suffering. The Ecstatic Call of God is the opposite. Yet it offers true safety, true invulnerability, and (once permanently Awake) no suffering. How blessed are we to be hearing this call. Yes, everyone is 'on the path somewhere', and certainly everyone will hear the call when the time has come for them. But in this moment of this life it is our time, and that is our Glorious Great Good Luck and Grace-given Blessing. For eons we have been called through the infinity to Awareness. NOW is the Reality of God ours to KNOW. NOW is the day of our marriage to Divinity.

Today therefore, with quiet minds, let us affirm our function is to forgive the world we have created, and replace it with the Joy of God.


Commentary on ACIM Lesson 64
© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

Let me not forget my function.

To be completely authentic, I am very confronted by the Course at this moment. I am recognizing my ego's resistance to getting the message that the only way to my own true happiness is to accept I am (at the very least) 'a' son of God, and that the 'salvation' of the world is my mission. Even though I KNOW this, I so desire to forget it (as I have done many times in the past by going unconscious). I see that many times (also, in the past) I have stopped doing the Course at this point. Or I have somehow continued but as a 'ritual', protecting myself from the full impact of the Call to Saviorhood that the Course is speaking again today.

When I was a child, I had dreams where God would tell me this was my mission, and I remember waking up (as an 8 or 9 year old) in cold sweats because I knew 'they would kill me too' (like 'they'd' killed Jesus). Because of this fear, I have been running from God while at the same time loving God ever since, and NOW, not only is there nowhere left to run, but also, I (authentic Self) do not really Choose 'running' any longer. But even so, I was thinking today about how in Illusions (the Richard Bach book) Donald (the Savior figure) told God he didn't want the job anymore, and that he was sorry he'd ever asked for it, and I could so relate. I had to stop painting and go for a long walk in the desert to get straight with myself.

Look, the purpose of the Course is huge and profound, and we need only look at the people out in the world who have really 'gotten' it to see this. The Hugh Prathers and Marianne Williamsons and J. Jampolskys (+ others) have made tremendous impacts in millions of lives. Of course we as ego's 'want to be like that'. But our ego NEVER 'wants' to accept that for us to 'be like that' means IT no longer IS (as us). (This is not to say Our Individual Personal Mission is a 'big time public one' like the examples mentioned, but it's not to say it isn't either.)

This is the free choice moment to accept 'the release of ego' (back to nothingness) and to also accept 'the rebirth' of our Wholeness/Holiness. Actually, given the persistence of the egoic experience while embodied, ALL moments are this. ('ALL' meaning, as one within this circle has written me about our work being to "remove ALL, and I do mean ALL, blocks to Love".) My job right now is to let you know that in this there is 'nothing to fear that is real', and your job right now is let me know the same thing. Be it inwardly or outwardly (prayers for/meditation upon, or with the pen or phone etc), this is called Support. You and I are on a journey to a life beyond anything we could ever imagine 'of ourself', AND, it is As One that We Enter the Wholeness. There is no other way. (Ah, that's a quote from this day's lesson :-).

Thank you for being the space of allowing self-honesty. It is 'part of the path to my true happiness' of humbly being a simple savior.

May we always 'be light' for each other.



Thursday, March 04, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 63
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.


I digress from 'pure commentary', for the simple pleasure of telling a story.

Today I learned again something I already knew.....

My Mom called from 'the assisted living home' while I was painting this afternoon with a request that I pick up some medicine for my Father at a certain pharmacy at a certain time two hours hence. When I got there, there was a line, in which I pleasantly waited 'a good while'. At the counter however, Reality was not as 'I expected' it to be. After several phone calls, it appeared the prescription was found, BUT, I would need to wait 'about an hour' more, as 'there were other people in line ahead of me'. Rather than 'waste the hour', I was 'inventive', exploring nearby stores and stuff like that. When I returned to the pharmacy, there was another line, in which I waited 'a while' again. Oh, I forgot to mention, I had noticed I was being 'a little irritated' too, and had 'leaked' that ever so slightly and self-righteously, as only a 'very good holy man' can do, back when I'd found out I had to wait another hour. During the hour, I let go of that, forgiving myself for being human and forgetting I am a son of God.

Back in the line, I relaxed, knowing this time it would go smoothly. As I was getting close to the front, the counter person recognized me and took a moment to check and see what the status was. While that was happening, my out-of-the-box personality 'woke up', turned to the large man behind me, and said... "How'd you like to let me practice giving you a ten second palm reading? Show me your hand." After a few seconds of looking dumbstruck, he showed me his hand, and I rattled off a bunch of stuff I saw, ending with, "and you might like to know if you take a cap each of cayenne and kelp powder a day, it will probably help your circulation and you'll feel warmer in cold weather".

What was amazing was even though I was a stranger to him, suddenly we were in a 'relatedness'. And clearly, we both felt better for it. Affinity lets you know Love is nearby.

Back at the counter now, I was sent to the side window, where there were a few more problems, and a few more phone calls. Those 'in-progress' (and 'being on a roll') I quipped to the kindly-looking nearly-retired pharmacy manager who was doing paperwork on the counter in front of me, "So, this whole place is on your shoulders?" He answered, "Not mine. I gave that up a long time ago. I stressed like crazy when I was young, but no more. Now, I do what I can, and I don't sweat the rest." I responded, "I can see that. That's what your fingernails tell me too." (This is a palmistry reference again.) Suddenly, whoever I was to him shifted, and he was interested. Suddenly, the presence of relatedness.....

Two for two. Conversation again, affinity again.

I turn around, leaning against the side window counter, relaxing in 'my spot' now....(we're still waiting for a final phone call to come in etc) to see who is in the line now. Several matronly women, and a man pushing a stroller with a toddler in it. His wife arrives, and leaves with the stroller. I look at the father, open my mouth and hear it say "So who do you think he going to become?"

By this time I am clear I am in an active practice of publicly piercing with boldness the social etiquette of ignoring each other ( and our underlying relatedness). Boldness done well can be endearing, as, when spontaneous, there is always an authentic vulnerability inherent in it. (Dogs taught me that.)

Three for three. He's a younger guy, so not so quick to open, but we talk--- about his father, his own space for his son to be whoever he needs to be etc. I end up dropping a nice wisdom jewel (that you've probably heard at least a few times by now) in a real natural way: "Sow a thought, Reap an action; Sow an action, Reap a habit; Sow a habit, Reap a character; Sow a character, Reap a destiny." (With the thought that the child would probably think 'as he modeled'.) It landed on him OK, and that was that.

But, remember the 'matronly women'? (in the line in front of him?) They'd overheard the whole conversation, and they LIGHT UP. The most lit one said "Would you repeat that?" I did, and twice more. "Oh, I just have to write that down! Oh, where's my pen? (She's next...) Oh, you go ahead of me dear, I have to write this down. (I ask the window could we borrow a pen, and receive one). She pushes herself OUT of the line... over to the side. I speak it all again, in pace with her writing/ crossing out/ writing again.... When she's done, she's just begun. She shares her life, quickly, how it had all been connected, first failed 17 year marriage leading to second happy 32 year marriage (which wouldn't have been possible without having gone through the first failed marriage etc).... She bubbles with her self-reconnectedness. And then, to help me learn deeper patience, and the difference between what is valuable and what is a worthless illusion (and probably more that I haven't yet recognized), she pushes her cart happily back to the end of the line.

Like I said, today I learned again something I already knew. And of course, I also knew as I walked out of the store, what I would be writing about right now.

Prasad said: "Just don't know. Then you will see."

Namaste, (which means to me today: God Makes No Mistakes :-)


PS....  The counter-person I had leaked irritation on....  I cleaned that up too, rebuilt affinity, and left him smiling.  That's the work.  Make a mess, clean it up.  

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 62
Rev. David Seacord

Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

If God allows it, can you? This is not about 'passivity' or 'abdicating personal responsibility' (both which can produce inner struggling and the burden of guilt). It is more about 'moving among and intermingling' with the world while 'having space' for it exactly as it IS. This absolutely includes accepting ourself as we are in this moment also. To see the nature of the world (and ourself) clearly is to see the duality and be in the duality yet to be Awake to the One Essence under it all.

Jesus taught 'Be in the world, but be not of the world'. You and I cannot do this without a quiet mind at peace with life as it IS. Our social responsibility then is to act from this peace as we are called and guided. This may involve 'active involvement in causes' or it may involve no action at all. But either way, it is not to be in denial that the phenomena of the world, the life and death dramas that swirl around us in our personal world as well as the news reports of disaster and/or human atrocity that are the steroid of the separated ones are 'allowed'. God allows it all for God contains (without being contaminated by) the infinity of all possibilities, from the serene to the insane.

Our own serenity is lost to insanity whenever we cannot forgive ourselves. That is why we must practice this most holy action repeatedly and consistently. The Ho'o Pono Pono practice demonstrates why. It undoes insanity in others by undoing the insanity within ourselves. In doing so, it demonstrates that our oneness is much more real than our separation. What we are doing here in the Course is a completely parallel practice. All that is different is the language, not the aim or the effect.

Being clear that everyone is somewhere 'on the path' and that it is perfect for them to be there NOW is helpful in being gracious, kind, and non-insistent about our personal 'points of view', and in 'allowing what IS to be what IS'. And, actual forgiveness begins with recognizing there is nothing to forgive. All there is to do is to return to our Love. Remember, this day especially, to Love Yourself.



Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 61
Rev. David Seacord

I am the light of the world.

Having reached an awesome spiritual height since January 1, we now shift gears and begin again, taking a more focused approach to 'the upgrade' we are installing within us this year. While any one of this Course's lessons could be repeated for a year by itself with great amazing life-altering results, our Beloved knows the fickleness of our ego-mind, is gentle, and offers variety as needed.

The challenges we will face as we deepen our realization will come from voices we are very familiar with, voices we even now identify with as 'me'. Been there, done that--- hey, that's me! Not interested--- that's me too. B_O_R_I_N_G....----me too. I don't want to.... (you're going to tell me you never hear that as 'yourself'?) You get the point. We have more deep cleaning to do, the purpose of which is to alter who we know ourself as, and then, facing what that means in terms of being responsible for who we are as Equal Sons and Daughters of the Beloved.

The Course is clear about who you and I are. For us to get it, really get it, not just get it as an idea, but get it so that we shift molecularly and atomically requires only that the heart of our being grow enough inside us to crack the shell of the fundamental ego from the inside out. In other words, the core layer of ego we most protect. If we do not allow that, we will continue to suffer the separation (until we do allow it). The best way I know of to approach this is to ASK GOD FOR HELP.

I would say, the more help asked for, the better. Until, as spoken in Chapter One, we 'have nothing' that does not come from God. This is our divine destiny, and this destiny is our greatest Joy, whether that is seen presently or not. One thing that certainly must be clearly seen right now is that 'our (ego's) goose is cooked' ALREADY. If we must have a little more drama here and there, it will be provided, but in no way does 'ego drama' compare to 'being presence'. How long it will take to let one go and to receive the other is simply a matter of our attachment to the idea that this is 'MY LIFE', (as distinct to: God's LIfe), that is being lived here.

When we accept everything that is in our life as a perfect gift from God, without any resistance, we shall discover the true meaning of Love. Simply ask, whenever you resist: If God allows it, can I/you? Here, within your 'yes', also lies the Peace of God.



Monday, March 01, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 60
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Reviewing Lessons 46 -- 60

He has never condemned me. He has never forgotten me. He protects me. He Guides me. He Sustains me. He Loves me.

Pretty amazing, right? Given the messages of this world, which you and I (if you've been like me) have sucked up like sugar-coated steroids, but which, instead of delivering the 'goods' has left us bankrupted, beached, destitute and bereft of any sense of who we actually ARE many more times than once.... it really is amazing to be NOW-met by The True God/Creator of Every Heart That Beats, and be welcomed home into HIs Embrace as if 'nothing has happened'.

That Time is not actually real.... that everything is NOW, that the separation we have felt all our lives from God is our own hallucination..... This is the Great Good News (gospel) of our Voice for God we find being quickened by this Course. All we need do now is listen with a quiet mind.

Today, 'do nothing (of yourself)'. Just Remember, Love, Trust, Serve. See from the Oneness. And Be at Peace.



Sunday, February 28, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 59
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Reviewing Lesson 41 -- 45

To the challenges of life there is but one answer: More-deeper truth, please. God is happy to comply. It is we who must adjust our receptors however.

Deep atunement/at-one-ment is never not available. It is available as soon as we remember to ask for it with a willingness to hear. Sometimes, we create a bit of suffering in our life in order to develop that willingness. This is all in the plan, this 'contrast' is all good. As soon as we remember 'rightly' again, we all experience this is so.

Todays lessons are beautiful, are they not? They are a mighty answer to insanity, to doubt, to confusion, to any disturbed peace. These thoughts of truth have brought new life to my heart today, as I rebalance from a couple of stormy days 'tossing on the seas of illusion'. During 'the storm' the human-movie-mind side of me heard old whispers of doubt pounding at my door strong enough that I 'identified' (entered the insanity movie). My faith remained, but not my complete peace. What to do? Ahh, go back to the beginning. Go back to my heart. Find my deepest sincerity and ASK for Help.

In this world, to recognize and to laugh at our illusions, we all must learn to do this, lest we become arrogant. It matters not why we forget, it only matters that we chose to remember. There are no exceptions to God's Reality, ever. If we fail to see Him at work in at any given moment, it is time to ask for help. Remember, it is not always ours to know the why, but it is ours to know why not. Why are we not two? Because we are always one. Why are we not to fear? Because we are always to Love. Why is this 'movie' not Real? Because it would have me believe in a 'Not-God' Reality. Like that. Life outside of God is impossible. Truth outside of God is impossible. To exist outside of God is impossible.

I share with you today the gift of my 'detour' as received.... We are God's Love and we are meant to be His Joy in the World, regardless of any differing movie/belief. Do not doubt that God is the belly-laugh whoop of Awakening within you.


Commentary on ACIM Lesson 58
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Reviewing Lessons 36 -- 40

Let us return now to our Holiness. Whatever the dreams of the world which are this moment surrounding you, please gently set them aside for a few moments, take my hand and join with me in receiving the Blessing of God. Be now quiet before He who is our Creator. No words are necessary, for we are completely known and cherished by this Holy Presence. It this moment, let us accept our Brotherhood to each other. Let us breathe in this Deep Infinite Relatedness extending without limit into our past, our future, and our NOW. Let us stand together under the shower of Forgiveness we are invited into, release our separation from each other and God, and Receive the Healing of God's Wholeness. In this Wholeness, let us Remember our True Purpose. Let us be this moment Strengthened, Re-Anointed, and Re-Dedicated to Being the Holy Love of God. Now Purified, Let us re-enter our Lives in Service to the Great Illumination given by The Peace of God. Amen.

