©2010 Rev. David Seacord
Reviewing Lessons 36 -- 40
"I alone am enough". These words jumped out from the e-letter I just read from 'one of us' who reads these Commentaries. What a beautiful profundity. What a mantra to remember moment to moment in the face of the world's message that we are 'never (good, wealthy, attractive, successful etc) enough'. What good words to recall whenever (if-ever) loneliness or depression or neediness is knocking at our door too.
The miracle of Enoughness is the foundation of God's Peace. In experiencing Enoughness is our release from the world. It contains 'the joyful breath of realization' that arises when any illusion we cherish is exposed, and we laugh as children suddenly at recess, playing in the fields of forever.
We are enough, just as we are. We are each created by God as perfect seeds, with a beautiful divine destiny. This is because we are now (the real us, and therefore, in God's eyes) as we were when we were created, and we lack for nothing because God is our Source and Eternal Supply. We don't earn this but we do need to accept it is so for it to be useful to us. It is given us because we are God's Living Will. Because we have inherited the Goodness of Love.
In my own life, I have understood for many decades that 'I will be taken care of'. That is how I have understood it, and it has been proven true again and again, and this has given me the freedom to live lightly in the world. No matter the problem, the need, the seeming lack of the moment, I have been given what I needed. Not always what I thought I wanted, clear, but what was actually needed has been always provided 'right on time'. As a result, I've come to expect it, and I recognize that 'something's up' if it seems suddenly like 'the magic has stopped'. Then, when I look, I see it was I who stopped something. What? That's the thing to look for. Perhaps 'trusting', perhaps 'listening', perhaps 'being generous', perhaps 'being attentive', perhaps 'recognizing I am That too'. Any plugging up of our 'enoughness' will produce a spiritual lesson opportunity. But, since there is nothing our holiness cannot do, we have the tools if we have the Will. Plumbing our own egoic constipation is not always work that leaves us 'looking good' right now, but it does, in the end.
No suffering needs 'to be'. It is all chosen, usually unconsciously, for it's learning value. If we/I/you would like to end my/our/your suffering: See everything as a gift from God. Remember there are never any accidents. Pay attention to your own quietness. Be willing to forgive without exception. This is the essence of ho ho pono pono. (As given me, here is that practice in a nutshell: Communicate telepathically to anyone you have anything unhealed with: a. I love you. b. I'm sorry. c. Please forgive me. d.Thank you. My own experience is that there is often more than just this to say, but these items are key. If you are 'doing it right', you will feel an unlocking/release of the unhealed karma, and a restoration of inner peace.)
Thank you all for your open hearts, and for pulling these messages into existence. I live in your love.